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Mag Boxes (Serious Question)

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do mag boxes actually work? is the fact that a dog is lying in a warm comfortable place actually what is beneficial? i have never actually used one and have an open mind but i have done as much research work as i can and i cant find any mention of magnets being used for human treatment by the nhs or any other organisation and i would have thought that if there were some super healing powers from magnetism then we would be using them ourselves?

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I'm of the same thinking, I know lads that swear by them and I know lads that think they're complete hippy bullshit. I'm leaning more towards the bullshit myself......If my dogs get knocked up they're out no longer than anyone's dogs I know that have a mag box, all mine get is a warm, draft free bed and rest.

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I got one after I bought a dog in who turned out was a bit broken after the bone man I took her to recommended its use.

It's part of the dogs routine now and they enjoy being in there but I'm sure someone with a bit more intelligence than me can explain a bit better.

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They basically encourage blood flow, which is what heals the body and keeps it healthy. There not a miracle cure but are IMO beneficial and dogs always seem to have a spring in there step when they come out :yes:

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Is there scientific evidence to back up that it encourages blood flow ? I know Westy uses them and says he sees the benefits but could it just be wishful thinking maybe!! It would be hard to test as no two dogs heal the same so how could a experiment to proove it works be set up ??


I know a lot of greyhound men use them so maybe there is something the sceptics like me are missing out on, or is it maybe that its such a competitive sport that even if the owner/trainer is a sceptic themselves they'd still shove their dog in a magnetic box just in case it did work lol

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Alas if only, just imagine how much the NHS could save, all those post surgery patients, you could just see all the knee replacements laying in a bed with there legs in a mag box, just half a day faster recovery and it would save millions on knees alone let alone all the hips, abdos etc.

Most “alternative medicine works on the principle that stuff usually gets better by itself ie dogs recover from hard runs or cuts etc. So when they recover after being in a box the box gets the credit, simple really. Just look at homeopathy, copper bracelets or those e bits of rubber that people used to attach to the back of their cars, all just placebo.






Those that have them and post in their favour I won’t be able to change their minds



they will see what the believe and pooh pooh any evidence to the contrary no matter how strong. But I may save those who haven’t yet committed to belief in them a little money and persuade them to buy a simple cage for recovery or even ensure the dogs bed is in a quiet area where it can get undisturbed rest when required and allow nature to do its stuff..

Edited by sandymere
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Is there scientific evidence to back up that it encourages blood flow ? I know Westy uses them and says he sees the benefits but could it just be wishful thinking maybe!! It would be hard to test as no two dogs heal the same so how could a experiment to proove it works be set up ??


I know a lot of greyhound men use them so maybe there is something the sceptics like me are missing out on, or is it maybe that its such a competitive sport that even if the owner/trainer is a sceptic themselves they'd still shove their dog in a magnetic box just in case it did work lol

Maybe your right but hey imo they work,yeah of course you could do the same with an ordinary crate a hundreds do but all them greyhound guys using them can't be all wrong surely?

I've banged,bruised,knocked enough dogs now to use it alot and even after a run on the lamp the dogs keen to go in so the main thing is as long as the dogs happy content and not getting any worse I'm happy with using it.

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Sandymere your always the sceptic :yes: The NHS do not use or have stopped using quite a few things :yes: does that say these things are no good or do not work :hmm:

Take hydrogen peroxide for example, the NHS stopped its use for wound care, cleansing etc. As long as it is not over used hydrogen peroxide is one of the best wound cleaner's that can be used IMO and I would never be without it in my 1st aid box :no:

Try a magbox and see the results for yourself you maybe surprised :yes:

Edited by C Hall
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Sandymere your always the sceptic :yes: The NHS do not use or have stopped using quite a few things :yes: does that say these things are no good or do not work :hmm:

Take hydrogen peroxide for example, the NHS stopped its use for wound care, cleansing etc. As long as it is not over used hydrogen peroxide is one of the best wound cleaner's that can be used IMO and I would never be without it in my 1st aid box :no:

Try a magbox and see the results for yourself you maybe surprised :yes:

Better things to spend my money on :thumbs:


The NHS never started using mag boxes so how is peroxide relevant, one is an excepted product the other never has been.( In the main peroxide has been replaced by better products.)

Basically a straw man.


Follow the links and explain if they are wrong ie ,

Difficult to explain how it might work,

Studies showing tenuous positive outcomes few in comparison to those showing no effect

Positive studies tend to be by manufacturers of products,

Studies using magnets in real therapeutic situations use very different equipment from over the counter products, bit like comparing sitting next to an asprin to taking morphin tablets

etc etc.


If a man sells a TV and you switch it on its easy to see it doesn’t work but if he sells you a cure it’s a different thing all together. That’s why in health there needs to be studies so we can see through our own mind games.

Nullius in verba


In general I go for good food, exercise program and recovery time then I take credit that my dogs recover well due to their fitness rather than a magic box.

Edited by sandymere
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Is there scientific evidence to back up that it encourages blood flow ? I know Westy uses them and says he sees the benefits but could it just be wishful thinking maybe!! It would be hard to test as no two dogs heal the same so how could a experiment to proove it works be set up ??


I know a lot of greyhound men use them so maybe there is something the sceptics like me are missing out on, or is it maybe that its such a competitive sport that even if the owner/trainer is a sceptic themselves they'd still shove their dog in a magnetic box just in case it did work lol

Maybe your right but hey imo they work,yeah of course you could do the same with an ordinary crate a hundreds do but all them greyhound guys using them can't be all wrong surely?

I've banged,bruised,knocked enough dogs now to use it alot and even after a run on the lamp the dogs keen to go in so the main thing is as long as the dogs happy content and not getting any worse I'm happy with using it.



Yep your right you've definitely knocked up a few dogs in your time, but at least you've never ran one of a cliff whilest looking after it for a mate thats on holiday!!! lol

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Is there scientific evidence to back up that it encourages blood flow ? I know Westy uses them and says he sees the benefits but could it just be wishful thinking maybe!! It would be hard to test as no two dogs heal the same so how could a experiment to proove it works be set up ??


I know a lot of greyhound men use them so maybe there is something the sceptics like me are missing out on, or is it maybe that its such a competitive sport that even if the owner/trainer is a sceptic themselves they'd still shove their dog in a magnetic box just in case it did work lol

Maybe your right but hey imo they work,yeah of course you could do the same with an ordinary crate a hundreds do but all them greyhound guys using them can't be all wrong surely?

I've banged,bruised,knocked enough dogs now to use it alot and even after a run on the lamp the dogs keen to go in so the main thing is as long as the dogs happy content and not getting any worse I'm happy with using it.

Yep your right you've definitely knocked up a few dogs in your time, but at least you've never ran one of a cliff whilest looking after it for a mate thats on holiday!!! lol

Very true that and those dogs never proved it was me!!!!!! Hahaha
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very interesting, thanks for your opinions folks. i seem to remember angus fraser the former england fast bowler having a serious hip injury a few years ago. they did some sort of magnetic therapy on him, and he never was right afterwards. now ould you say that he would have healed fully but the magnets prevented it? or that he was never going to be right and the magnets did nothing? do we just see what we want to see sometimes?

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