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Bitch Has No Milk

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Ok thanks lads, tried them on pup milk but couldn't get them to drink,in the mean time bitch has got a small very small bit,they've all had a drink and asleep now so hope now she's started she will keep going and make more.

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I have just filled a glass up full of water and i am watching it intently how long will it take to turn into milk..

I have had this before she will produce milk know they are borne as long as they try to suck

what about pc world

The mothers milk carries antibodies to help protect the pups immune system it's called passive immunity and its passed to the pups from the first milk production by the mother. the milk is called colostrum and its a mix of protein, nutrients electrolytes and vitamins. This is important in new born as it helps the pups digestive system and enable them to fight of viruses and bacteria. The first 24 hours is vital that the pups feed and are one day old. after that the protection is gone. JMO seek advice from the vet :thumbs:

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Ok thanks lads, tried them on pup milk but couldn't get them to drink,in the mean time bitch has got a small very small bit,they've all had a drink and asleep now so hope now she's started she will keep going and make more.


normally , when the pups start to suckle , it should make more milk from the bitch, it atcivate's the hormon in her, and milk on demand. And as she (as) started to produce it should keep coming.Just keep close eye on things,and make sure the bitch gets plenty of off good grub in her. :yes:

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I agree with mackay if the pups are content then that is a good indication that they are feeding plenty of grub for mum and most importantly water. I am no expert but just reared a litter 7 weeks old now I bought in some lactol and a feeding kit for pups just incase. for the first week I was mixing the lactol in with the dams food along with plenty of liver as she lost a fair bit of blood and to also help with the calcium. just keep an eye on both dam and pups any doubt give your vet a ring

atvb with the litter.

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Ok thanks lads, tried them on pup milk but couldn't get them to drink,in the mean time bitch has got a small very small bit,they've all had a drink and asleep now so hope now she's started she will keep going and make more.

How are the pups and mother weasel?

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If the pups are crying, nuzzling continually at her teats, not settling, acting distressed, then she doesn't have milk, or enough milk. Many bitches only produce a small amount of milk straight after the birth, but continual suckling makes her produce more: pups don't need masses of milk during the first few days. How many pups did she have?

Make sure she drinks a lot: add puppy milk substitute: Lactol or Whelpi to the water to encourage her to drink. Don't feed her dry food that will take fluids from her body to digest: feed plenty of raw minced beef and fatty chicken. Bit of cooked liver as well. If you must feed a complete food, make sure it is well soaked and swelled up first.

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Ok mothers great,milk still minimal,pups sucking nearly constant,but are sleeping in between,they are not making that noise that pups make when there in trouble,when the bitch turns over they do get a drink and sleep after it but the bitch is quickly emptied.

I kept 4 pups on her and can go to 2 if I need to,all the pups where born fat as pigs and haven't lost weight infact the smallest one is now hard to tell from the others.

Spoke to my vet twice yesterday and again today he's confidant her supply will only get better,But it does need to fast. Spent a hour today with the bottle but just couldn't get them to suckle,Fennel tea is ment to help produce milk and isn't toxic to dogs, Im tempted to give it a try,but will hold on to tomorrow and see if milk production improves on its own.

Unfortunately the only luck I get is bad luck.

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Rassberry tea is good but provided its given to the mother from the third week of gestation and a week after the birth, it not only eases the birth but it also enriches the milk. fennel tea is good for producing milk. I wish you all the best and hope all comes good for both mother and pups :thumbs:

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