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Sick Terrier Pup ....help!

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right all put the pups away last night all was fine this morning at 8 i could see from my window that flint was walking funny no bounceing around like normal, so i ran out and he has a big lump under his throat from ear to ear almost, and couldent lift his head up high, so i looked down the throat thinknking he has swallowd something but nowt down teir so i ran in (with him) got on the phone and phoned a half a dozen vets to see if i can get him looked at ASAP only one vet said they can come in but it will be an emergency call and as its not life threatening and will cost a lot so i would be best off waiting untill tomorrow :blink:


so ive to take him tomorrow,

now for the fun part my springer is insured but the new pups arent and with money being tight as ever ime going to struggle paying any thing over a couple of hundred quid do you know of any help that can be given to help pay for vets bills? ive looked on PDSA website and ime not shure if i qualify for help off them


and any one have a guess whats up with him? its breaking my fecking heart :cray::cray::cray:

Edited by perthshire keeper
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The pup got of lightly there mate and a sharp lesson learned for you..

glad to hear yor pups on the road to recovery . cracking pups too.   kennel three bury one

Possibly a reaction to a Bee sting, had a dog who got stung and they looked like they had been hit by a bus. Went down after a day or two. Keep us updated, all the best.   Pat

  On 04/08/2013 at 10:40, perthshire keeper said:

right all put the pups away last night all was fine this morning at 8 i could see from my window that flint was walking funny no bounceing around like normal, so i ran out and he has a big lump under his throat from ear to ear almost, and couldent lift his head up high, so i looked down the throat thinknking he has swallowd something but nowt down teir so i ran in (with him) got on the phone and phoned a half a dozen vets to see if i can get him looked at ASAP only one vet said they can come in but it will be an emergency call and as its not life threatening and will cost a lot so i would be best off waiting untill tomorrow :blink:


so ive to take him tomorrow,

now for the fun part my springer is insured but the new pups arent and with money being tight as ever ime going to struggle paying any thing over a couple of hundred quid do you know of any help that can be given to help pay for vets bills? ive looked on PDSA website and ime not shure if i qualify for help off them


and any one have a guess whats up with him? its breaking my fecking heart :cray::cray::cray:

Despite what people say not all vets are b*****ds and have a pay up scheme and I'm sure if you explain the situation they will be willing to sort something out for you, I take it he can breath/drink/eat fine?

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sounds to me like you need a vet ASAP. its hard for anyone to help as they cant see the pup. you have two choices. 1 get it to the vet and pay the extra. or 2. wait it out.

untill tomorrow. its your call. no one else can make it. hope it works out for you

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  On 04/08/2013 at 10:47, RM2508 said:


  On 04/08/2013 at 10:40, perthshire keeper said:

right all put the pups away last night all was fine this morning at 8 i could see from my window that flint was walking funny no bounceing around like normal, so i ran out and he has a big lump under his throat from ear to ear almost, and couldent lift his head up high, so i looked down the throat thinknking he has swallowd something but nowt down teir so i ran in (with him) got on the phone and phoned a half a dozen vets to see if i can get him looked at ASAP only one vet said they can come in but it will be an emergency call and as its not life threatening and will cost a lot so i would be best off waiting untill tomorrow :blink:


so ive to take him tomorrow,

now for the fun part my springer is insured but the new pups arent and with money being tight as ever ime going to struggle paying any thing over a couple of hundred quid do you know of any help that can be given to help pay for vets bills? ive looked on PDSA website and ime not shure if i qualify for help off them


and any one have a guess whats up with him? its breaking my fecking heart :cray::cray::cray:

Despite what people say not all vets are b*****ds and have a pay up scheme and I'm sure if you explain the situation they will be willing to sort something out for you, I take it he can breath/drink/eat fine?


my hears in my fecking mouth......he can breath fine he snores a bit when asleep, and is drinking water fine ive not fed him as i dont want to get any thing blocked up, maybe some dog meat and milk minced up?

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  On 04/08/2013 at 10:51, perthshire keeper said:


  On 04/08/2013 at 10:47, RM2508 said:


  On 04/08/2013 at 10:40, perthshire keeper said:

right all put the pups away last night all was fine this morning at 8 i could see from my window that flint was walking funny no bounceing around like normal, so i ran out and he has a big lump under his throat from ear to ear almost, and couldent lift his head up high, so i looked down the throat thinknking he has swallowd something but nowt down teir so i ran in (with him) got on the phone and phoned a half a dozen vets to see if i can get him looked at ASAP only one vet said they can come in but it will be an emergency call and as its not life threatening and will cost a lot so i would be best off waiting untill tomorrow :blink:


so ive to take him tomorrow,

now for the fun part my springer is insured but the new pups arent and with money being tight as ever ime going to struggle paying any thing over a couple of hundred quid do you know of any help that can be given to help pay for vets bills? ive looked on PDSA website and ime not shure if i qualify for help off them


and any one have a guess whats up with him? its breaking my fecking heart :cray::cray::cray:


Despite what people say not all vets are b*****ds and have a pay up scheme and I'm sure if you explain the situation they will be willing to sort something out for you, I take it he can breath/drink/eat fine?


Put it out for him he may not want it, I assume the swelling is on the outside only?

my hears in my fecking mouth......he can breath fine he snores a bit when asleep, and is drinking water fine ive not fed him as i dont want to get any thing blocked up, maybe some dog meat and milk minced up?
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yeh cheers paulus, ive just phoned them and it seems i should be able to get help with any (god forbid its gets that bad) bills, it seems to be lymph glands are swolen ive seen it with farm stock but not dogs, ive got a appointment first thing tomorrow and he has just had a bit to eat and drink again so ive calmed down a bit!

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just got back from the vets, she recons theirs been a fight in the kennels (him/sister/the springer cross and the fell bitch) and its swolen up as a result of that! bloody close one if thats the case odd thou they have always got on very well. lesson learned thou... he got well looked over by her a anti-inflamatary jab and anti-bionic as well as a course of tablets to take the swelling down over the next 3 days,

and only £61.20p


my sphincter has stopped going like a rabbits nose now :yes:

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