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When Do They Stop

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We handle our kits every day and have done ever since we have had them,the hobb not to bad ,but the gill just trys to bite every time you pick her up.how long does this last,or will it never,just wanted to no if anybody new that's all thanks

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cant realy say but its not forever so just grin and bare it lol! If she isnt drawing blood or locking on the shes probably playing just too rough lol!

Also if you are cautious around her or scared she will sense it and more likley to do it more.

Make sure they're always full up on meat, let them out for a run about and let them tire out before you start picking them up.

I usually just feed bits of meat from my fingers if your brave lol.

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If you get them from a good breeder they shouldn't be nipping , if folk are breeding there ferrets they should be doing the hard work of handling them

Yes agree with ( the one) they shouldn't be trying to bite if they have been handled everyday.

Edited by tiger82
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I've had some Jill's and I couldn't fathom where I was going wrong , handled a bucket load every week . And every opportunity it got would turn and try get hold : ( and the older it got the more it tryed , then one day after a very long trying I got a collar on the bitch and entered her into a burrow and that was that like a different creature could not believe it ,

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OK yes funny you should say that I always pick the hob up first 90% of the time his ok,the jill bites me all the time,but I will just have to put up with it and see if she gets to like me,every time I go down to the court I think here we go bet that little bitch jill is going to bite the shyt out of me again :hmm: I will just have to work with them until they get used to me thanks again

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