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Stubbles - Are The Crops Coming Down Near You?

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Been noticing the farmers out in the past few weeks trying to get what they can cut between the odd bit of rain fall we have been getting. Still lots of it to go but they seem to be out and about as soon as the fields dry off. The dogs have hardly been getting much exercise with the heat we have been having recently but I am going to start ramping it up distance wise.


Have they made a start with them where you are? the ground is still very hard here so it will benefit from some rain, hopefully only after the farmers have got the crops down.







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Spoke to a farmer last week that I get Barley off for duck ponds / deer.


He said they won't for another 4 weeks as they are having a late season. Having trouble getting any atm, need some to feed my deer spot lol

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Yeah they've made a start on the rape but from my window It doesn't look like they've started cutting the wheat yet.what's the make up of the dog in the bottom pic mate ?


just a lurcher mate with dh/collie/gh/bed/whippet.


There are only a few fields near me that are down now but they had started again first thing in the morning, some of it you can see it isnt ready yet. Normally round the village where I am they leave about 1/3rd of the fields on stubbles all year round and alternate each year (I am sure its just the farmer doing the minimum to sustain himself for the year) but they planted loads this year probably because they had a bad year last year with the flooding

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I went combineing rape with a mate last saturday, the farm next door had taken a field of oats but thats about it, i didnt take the dog with me as i dont run rape stubble, horrable stuff, but this year he,s cutting it rearly low as he,s sold the swaff to a firm who come and bale it, i might take the dog with me next time as there were a few rabbits running out of the last few cutts, then again i might play it safe and just take the nets, atb, buster.

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I used to run on stubble year's ago on daft leveret's that run around in circles till they are caught..the only stubble i will go on these day's are the one's that are set aside over winter once the ground and stubble has softened up.. ;)

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i dont think i understand what you mean mate

Think meaning ground rock hard from where hot weather and crop sucking all water from ground. Or might be on about a bird he seeing not sure ???
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I used to run on stubble year's ago on daft leveret's that run around in circles till they are caught..the only stubble i will go on these day's are the one's that are set aside over winter once the ground and stubble has softened up.. ;)


I wont be bothering for a while purposfully running anything yet the ground is too hard anyway even after the little bits of rain we had it will take weeks for it to soften the way they are. These are just the fields out the back of my house so I walk along there every night. stubbles/frost/snow or whatever its open country so as long as I do my walk in daylight hours i let the dogs mooch about

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