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Rabbiting Dogs

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heres mine not one over 21tts thats all use them for mooching and a we bit lamping mostly ferreting

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  On 25/11/2013 at 20:34, TOMO said:

Ha ha ha,,,, feck me Andy,,,lol,,,, my daughter is sat here moaning at me,, cos I'm laffing that loud,,, and she can't here corrie,,,poor old Pom

Tomo honestly ive been hoovering this morning and ive snapped the drive belt lol..im putting it down to that b*****ds hair..the cnut is banned out of the living room until I fix the darn hoover haha

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A couple of "real" oldies of my favourite dog..he was a lurcher x collie just like my current dog Don and is infact the grand sire to Don,Venus of Tomo's,Swift whom we have,Aaron the Coursing Mans bitch is bred down from him plus lots of others..including Eddie,Maurice,Maisie to name a few..I really only ever lamped him and worked him with the terriers digging..a good bag filler he was...ugly as sin but I will run bare arsed around my local town at noon for 52 consecutive Saturdays if I ever get another dog half as good as he was lol ")





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  On 27/11/2013 at 21:11, FUJI said:

A couple of "real" oldies of my favourite dog..he was a lurcher x collie just like my current dog Don and is infact the grand sire to Don,Venus of Tomo's,Swift whom we have,Aaron the Coursing Mans bitch is bred down from him plus lots of others..including Eddie,Maurice,Maisie to name a few..I really only ever lamped him and worked him with the terriers digging..a good bag filler he was...ugly as sin but I will run bare arsed around my local town at noon for 52 consecutive Saturdays if I ever get another dog half as good as he was lol ")20131127_205644_1_zps314c36d5.jpg20131127_205726_1_zpsf22056d1.jpg

Andy, that my kind of cur! But be careful what you wish for!

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  On 27/11/2013 at 21:39, edrd said:

lol that pom take a prize at a terrier show I like its new look diesel knocked 2 teeth out last night hitting a bolder then a 5 bar gate but she carried on and left a few things horizontal you prop had the same hairdo in that pic atb ;) those were the days of the ugly curs

Aye still the same haircut matey ") two teeth ffs..always summat buddy,couple of our mutts are carrying war wounds from this past week but nothing to keep them in the sick bay ") ..couple of EDRD's mutts carry the blood of my owld bunny hunting pooch that I last posted a pic of..he put some gear to bed over the years and I'd like to think he has produced both directly and not quite so directly some canny workers over the years if not show stoppers haha..the dog on the left was his son whom i also owned and isn't too unlike my Don dog in the looks department? He was a very good dog,cracking rabbit dog but I never bred a single pup from him which sometimes I regret to this day,a very intelligent dog,a dog who tried 110% on every trip,being truthful the dog was pretty much faultless for what I worked him on..he wouldn't touch a fox which to some would be a big fault I suppose lol..



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Don still got a seriously swollen eye from a freak kick he took in his eye a few days ago now as you can see...I've put him on some antibiotics from today and will see how he is in another day or two..not hampering him in any way though ") put another horizontal earlier today lol..



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