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a while ago i was reading a thread and some one said they liked seeing the pics of the younguns with the animals

so here is a pick of my little boy 8 months old watching the telly with my / his dog (she hasn't left his side since he came home from hospital (when we are in the house ) if he cries she comes to find me ! :icon_eek: and will wake me before the baby monitor at night. So she is going to be Ty's dog when hes bigger (she is three now) hope fully she will catch his first rabbit as soon as he can walk :D








any one else got any good pics of the kids and the dogs / ferrets etc ? i will try and take some of ty with the ferrets later

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Smashing photos of the dog and the bairn there lass..............a nice double act :clapper: and im not doubting you for a moment as you seem the sensible type but the word which springs to mind here is supervision........at all times with them together :thumbs:

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Smashing photos of the dog and the bairn there lass..............a nice double act :clapper: and im not doubting you for a moment as you seem the sensible type but the word which springs to mind here is supervision........at all times with them together :thumbs:




thanks gaz


there is no way in this world my dogs would be left alone with my child. :no:


i feel very strongly about being brought up with animals i was and my passion for them has kept me out of trouble for years i was taught to have respect for animals form day one and so will my son be


the bond my dog has is similar to what i had as a child and i have nothing but good memories.


one thing i was very conscious of when i brought my baby home was not to exclude them in fact i made sure the got as much attention as they did before to make sure they did not see the baby as a threat :D


and before someone else says it they know there place in the pack if they don't want to be near my son they have there own room to retreat to. :thumbs:

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Lovely pics and a gorgeous little boy you've got! :clapper:


My little one is 2 now and is dog obsessed! Few pics of her...


Nim at 2 weeks old.




14 months old.




16 months old.




19 months - a spot of rabitting in the log shed.




23 months - a bit of walling with daddy.




Yesterday out in the paddock - 2 yrs 3 months.




She loves taking the dogs for a walk, and she is obsessed with looking for rabbits in walls! She knows how to behave around dogs - if they walk away from her she's to leave them alone, she's gentle with pups, and knows which dogs she can pull about and which she can't. From day one the dogs have always been brilliant with her, she learnt to walk holding on to them! :laugh:


The only problem we have is that she's over confident with dogs generally, but she's learning she can't go up to any dog like she can ours. She's learning that we always ask the owner before you go near someone elses dog.


The relationship she has with our lot is amazing. Something special. :yes:



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:clapper: That's a lovely old baby you've got there Shell... :clapper:

She looks a bit 'feral'... :laugh::laugh:

Keep taking those photos,..

Can you imagine how fabulous its going to be for Nim to look back on these 'once in a lifetime' images.. :thumbs:


All the best,...CHALKWARREN.... :drink::drink:

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