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What A Long Labour

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Well Fern had her pups a few days ago, but what a long labour!


She started at 10.00pm and had her 8th by 6.00am the next morning.

About 7.30am she started her contractions again, but nothing came so at 9.00am we went off to the vets.

They then sent us to the main vets at Barnard Castle for a scan, at 10.00am she was scaned and they saw at least 1 pup but they couldnt tell if it was alive or not, so they gave her an injection to make her contractions stronger and said she would pass the pup in the next 2 hours.

Well 12 oclock came and went and the poor lass was knaked from the pushing but nothing came, so back to the vets we went for a C section!!

Unfortunatly the pups head was swisted over its shoulder so it had strangled itself and couldnt be passed, but the good news was there was a fit and healthy pup behind it.

So at around 3.00pm 17 hours after the first pup was born she finally finished.


Whats the longest labour your dogs have had?


Some pics at 3 days old






Will post more pics as they grow

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You're so lucky that she didn't burst something inside after that injection with the pup being blocked :icon_eek: At least she came through it alright in the end. Longest labour I've had was 11 hours for 10 pups: no problems, but just a slow whelping: not uncommon in Deerhound types.

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Went to the kennel in the morning about half 7...2 pups. Cancelled my days picking up and sat with my bitch. She was completely calm and it was her second litter so just thought she was handling things fine. About lunchtime I thought that was it.... She was willing to leave the pups and go for the toilet and get something to eat. By 6pm she was looking like her old self, no panting or any signs of discomfort. Thought it was strange that she only had 2 but she was eight and she wasn't very big through her pregnancy so I let her be. That night about 3 in the morning I woke up with what I thought was howls of pain. Rushed to the kennel to see a very comfortable bitch and 2 sleeping pups. Idiot, must have been dreaming.... Lol

Next morning all good, afternoon fine then about 5/6 at night I went for a check and as I got to her bed I could see what looked like a squashed pup. Thinking "ffs" I leaned it and there was now 3 pups plus the dead one???????????

Obviously she had they one trapped and managed to pass it with a healthy one behind. Total labour about 36 hours.

I must admit I think after speaking to others as this was the first litter I had ever done myself I really should have taken her too the vets with only the 2 pups showing but she 100% showed no signs of distress.

We live and learn..:-)

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We do mate, sounds like your bitch was very lucky to get it out.

That was one hell of a long labour mate :icon_eek:

Your right mate. Canny believe that she done that without showing any signs off distress. Even had my Mum up during the day as she had her when she had her first litter and she also thought she was doing great. Hardy bitch.....( not my mum) lol

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We do mate, sounds like your bitch was very lucky to get it out.

That was one hell of a long labour mate :icon_eek:

Your right mate. Canny believe that she done that without showing any signs off distress. Even had my Mum up during the day as she had her when she had her first litter and she also thought she was doing great. Hardy bitch.....( not my mum) lol



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This will be hard to beat! My GWP has just had her last Pup (dead) at 5pm today, Saturday. She had her first one 6am Thursday!!! She had a total of 13, with the last 3 dead, leaving 10 fit and lively ones, 6 males and 4 females. As you can imagine it was a bit of a drawn out saga, but I bet the total time will be hard to beat.

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This will be hard to beat! My GWP has just had her last Pup (dead) at 5pm today, Saturday. She had her first one 6am Thursday!!! She had a total of 13, with the last 3 dead, leaving 10 fit and lively ones, 6 males and 4 females. As you can imagine it was a bit of a drawn out saga, but I bet the total time will be hard to beat.

My god mate thats a Labour alright.


Good luck with the 10 healthy ones

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This will be hard to beat! My GWP has just had her last Pup (dead) at 5pm today, Saturday. She had her first one 6am Thursday!!! She had a total of 13, with the last 3 dead, leaving 10 fit and lively ones, 6 males and 4 females. As you can imagine it was a bit of a drawn out saga, but I bet the total time will be hard to beat.

My god mate thats a Labour alright.


Good luck with the 10 healthy ones


One dog Pup culled last night mate.............Tails and Dew Claws done today, first Jab and Chip in 7 weeks........up the Road two weeks later....easy as that, lol...yeah right let's wait and see.

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