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Old Type English Bulls?

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yes jak i know exectly where they are , he s a good mate of mine and theres no plans to breed for a few years but there are some young dogs in his yard yet to be tested , earlier in the year two of th

Just wondered if anyone is breeding the old type English bulls? Not the short, rounded nose, fat things people breed today. I remember a bloke had some a few years ago on here. This pic is off google

Sounds a nightmare. Dogs should evolve for purpose not fashion.

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I don't mate. They are very popular here but it's a popular gripe that they aren't up to much these days in their pure form. Me and my hunting mate visited a breeder a while back and saw some nice dogs that had potential but they don't see anything other than a show ring. A few lads still use them but you don't see too many about. I'd have one like a shot. I've got plenty of work for one of those bad boys!

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I thought the English were head strong and far less intelligent than the stafford/pit dogs. Ive read Hinks leaned more toward the show ring and pet than actual work. I know some were good in the trials and the famous Psyco had Ebt in his blood,but Im not sure how useful they would be in the pure form to a Hunting man. When the Ingles thing was going strong and those dogs were seen here and there I tried but failed to get a straight answer regarding working qualities. One thing you cant deny is they certainly got the conformation better.

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seem to have very untidy/poor feet. have seen one that didnt like to walk across gravel because it had skin condition on feet

Yeah you prob seen one like that, their not all the same as the one you seen :hmm:

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I thought the English were head strong and far less intelligent than the stafford/pit dogs. Ive read Hinks leaned more toward the show ring and pet than actual work. I know some were good in the trials and the famous Psyco had Ebt in his blood,but Im not sure how useful they would be in the pure form to a Hunting man. When the Ingles thing was going strong and those dogs were seen here and there I tried but failed to get a straight answer regarding working qualities. One thing you cant deny is they certainly got the conformation better.

Over the last 30 years Ive had several bull breeds,and found them all to be reasonably intelligent(particularly staffies)never owned an EBT but a few of my mates have,Ive got to say they were the stupidest animals I have come across,not saying they are all thick but the three I spent a lot of time around were,put me off ever having one.... :thumbs:

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I thought the English were head strong and far less intelligent than the stafford/pit dogs. Ive read Hinks leaned more toward the show ring and pet than actual work. I know some were good in the trials and the famous Psyco had Ebt in his blood,but Im not sure how useful they would be in the pure form to a Hunting man. When the Ingles thing was going strong and those dogs were seen here and there I tried but failed to get a straight answer regarding working qualities. One thing you cant deny is they certainly got the conformation better.

Over the last 30 years Ive had several bull breeds,and found them all to be reasonably intelligent(particularly staffies)never owned an EBT but a few of my mates have,Ive got to say they were the stupidest animals I have come across,not saying they are all thick but the three I spent a lot of time around were,put me off ever having one.... :thumbs:


Well you have said what ive been told by others. Its strange really because has you say the staffies and others are anything but idiots.They seem to not only learn quick but work things out for themselves.

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Exactly, i have never owned a e.b.t. but the odd ones i have been about seem to not have any get up and go, they seem dumb, also never seen an active one, not interested in nothing, but there must be a few ok ones here and there.

I think good ones that have been selected for performance and bred close continue to be bred according to "The pibull garden" book and are a diffrent job altogether,also being bred for performance only they loose the roman nose.

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