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Lifeless Ferret

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Hi Guys


Wondering if anyone has experienced this same thing as i have...


A few months back now when feeding my ferrets one morning as normal they all came running out of the shed into the outdoor pen to greet me, all apart from my old favorite hob. After feeding all the others I went on the hunt to find my old friend. On going into the shed and moving some of the logs in which they have created a nest behind I found him curled up lifeless. I scooped him up in my hands and he was still warm and showed no signs of breathing, I figured he must have died in the night. I've had ferrets live till 12 so at 6 I was gutted to see the end of my old working partner come so soon. I headed out of the shed and walked past the other ferrets feeding, still holding onto him I shut the pen door behind me when my old friend lept into life in my hands. I couldn't believe it, He was lifeless in my hands for at least least 3 - 4 minutes before he came around. This has happened with him 2 times since. I have had many ferrets in the past and present and have never experienced this with any of my other ferrets.


Has anyone else experienced anything similar, or know what this could be? Could it just be that he is a deep sleeper or could it be something to do with the cold weather we were experiencing at the time?


Any thoughts



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It's called Dead Ferret Sleep...they sleep so deeply that they can appear to be dead. It's scared a lot of people over the years.

Herd stories of people rushing them to the vets only for them to stretch and yawn haha

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I work away and had a phone call of the wife. My fav Jill had past away and the father in law was away over to dispose of the body. She's getting on a bit so I was expecting this. 10 minutes later I got a text saying false alarm she's fine. Apparently the wife had give the the old poke with a stick test aswell



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had that happen to one of my jills,,,,,,,thought she was dead,,,,,laying limp..,,,,,,,,,,,,,heart sinking feeling,,i was gutted,,,then she woke up....!!!..little cow!!!!................also went into the shed the pther day,,no ferts in the bed or hammock,,,,,,went indoors to see if my son had bought em in,,,,,,,,,i went mental my heart was beating and i felt real gutted,,,,,thought someone had stolen them,,,,,,,,,,they were all 5 of them in the large pipe asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!..imagine my panic then pure relief after finding them,,,,,,,,,,,!!!!..little shits!!!.

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