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Pair Of Evil Kunts

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Feck knows what it will cost to keep those cruel vermin alive in prison for three decades...? Plenty enough vonga, to help build a small hospital, or a much needed hospice I should imagine...   Far

saw that the other day and it broke my heart. Reading the excuses she made to the court I was praying that they both get sent down for a long time. I doubt it will be long enough. As history has taugh

spot on, they should drown the cu*ts slowly, like they did to this poor young boy.I just watched it on 6pm news it feck upset me big time, i would smash the cu*ts to a pulp with my feet+fists , 1st t

I wud love to torture those evil b*****ds like they did Daniel wat a beautiful child this world sometimes is sick why like why do that to this child 30 years of 3 meals a day use of showers and toilets how is that justice it's a joke a slow horrible death that wud be justice end of

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I wud love to torture those evil b*****ds like they did Daniel wat a beautiful child this world sometimes is sick why like why do that to this child 30 years of 3 meals a day use of showers and toilets how is that justice it's a joke a slow horrible death that wud be justice end of

i know what your saying mate but i think the fact they now have 30 yrs of being with people who will hate them and want to hurt them is better than dying............30 yrs before there even considered for release............30 yrs of lying in a cell...........30 yrs to think what they have done to this poor child..........PAIR OF EVIL KUNTS............

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the kids dad was interviewed on central news earlier and it was heart breaking to see him holding back the tears..........imagine the feeling of someone doing that to your own son and not being there for him.............poor f****r has to live with that forever........ :no:

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