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Pair Of Evil Kunts

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Fed up saying it, torture is the only way. The more evil the crime the longer you get tortured. It's a simple resolve really. It would soon stop a massive percentage of these crimes. The real nutcases would still do it but these c**ts that do it because there not scared of authority would soon stop.

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Feck knows what it will cost to keep those cruel vermin alive in prison for three decades...? Plenty enough vonga, to help build a small hospital, or a much needed hospice I should imagine...   Far

saw that the other day and it broke my heart. Reading the excuses she made to the court I was praying that they both get sent down for a long time. I doubt it will be long enough. As history has taugh

spot on, they should drown the cu*ts slowly, like they did to this poor young boy.I just watched it on 6pm news it feck upset me big time, i would smash the cu*ts to a pulp with my feet+fists , 1st t

What the f.ck is wrong with these people , I've just watched it on the news and had to walk away .I couldn't think of a fitting end for these pair of scum , its a sad day when we are depending on people in prison to administer some sort of justice.... :censored::censored:

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I had tears in my eyes when I read about that a week ago. If you don't want a child, don't have one. If you don't want a child after you've had one, surely having him/her adopted would be the solution.


This is pure cowardice in its worst form. Torturing a defenceless kid FFS.


As I said before, maybe the death penalty is not suitable for all murders, but some like this stand out and it is the ONLY sentence that fits the crime.

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:censored:Feck knows what it will cost to keep those cruel vermin alive in prison for three decades...?

Plenty enough vonga, to help build a small hospital, or a much needed hospice I should imagine...


Far, far more civilised, to simply put a bullet in the back of their feckwit heads,... :yes:

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Aye I would see them dead or in a third world type jail...


Government would save loads if they paid other countries to house our criminals..


Thing is out jails are to good...


Thailand has the right idea... Keep them in the dark with cockroaches, hardly any scran and water....


Make them live and suffer everyday..

Edited by Giro
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Agreed, there should be two sorts of prisons, the normal prisons today should be for your average abh, criminal damage and the likes. But to put people like this in the same place is a joke, who gives a sh*t about how many years they get when they are in there with three visits a month and in the gym heated cells and food.


These things need throwing in a cold dark hole on their own, beaten daily .....

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