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Guest tawny

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Have a read of Albert Pierpoints book if you can get hold of a copy, that's full of information, it was originally banned under the banner of being a DIY guide to suicide, that should help you out.


But if it was me personally wanting to do it, it would definately have to be Nitrogen, painless, very quick, no blood or guts, just a nice kip and away you go.

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Hitler, not the best person to ask, was convinced that freezing to death was painless.


Now i'm not going to go against a German scientific study by any means, and in fact i can relate to it after being frozen at -42 c whist in Canada representing the British Army at drinking.


but, is it the best way out :hmm: , might be, because you never give up hope until you give up hope..............................and then it's too late.

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Guest foxtrack
whats the best way to kill your selfe then :(


what?? :icon_eek::icon_eek: Why the buggery bollocks do you want to know??

just had enougth

mind you i got to be back for work monday morning.

so only dead for the week end :yes: .

any tips please

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Have a read of Albert Pierpoints book if you can get hold of a copy, that's full of information, it was originally banned under the banner of being a DIY guide to suicide, that should help you out.


But if it was me personally wanting to do it, it would definately have to be Nitrogen, painless, very quick, no blood or guts, just a nice kip and away you go.


I've got Alberts book(very interesting read)if you want to read it.I'll have it back when you kill yourself please.I would go for the hose pipe to the car exhaust,painless,and,once it's started that's it.Most people that really want to do it,do it like that. :thumbs:

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Guest foxtrack
Have a read of Albert Pierpoints book if you can get hold of a copy, that's full of information, it was originally banned under the banner of being a DIY guide to suicide, that should help you out.


But if it was me personally wanting to do it, it would definately have to be Nitrogen, painless, very quick, no blood or guts, just a nice kip and away you go.

i was only joking mate.

but by the way you replied i would think you now a thing or two about death :icon_eek::icon_eek:

any one under your patio then :hmm::whistling:

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Guest foxtrack
If you only want to do it for the weekend I find a couple of bottles of Jack Daniels helps, washed down with a few pints of home brew cider, mmmmmmm looking forward to it now, :thumbs:

my sort of death mate :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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Have a read of Albert Pierpoints book if you can get hold of a copy, that's full of information, it was originally banned under the banner of being a DIY guide to suicide, that should help you out.


But if it was me personally wanting to do it, it would definately have to be Nitrogen, painless, very quick, no blood or guts, just a nice kip and away you go.


I've got Alberts book(very interesting read)if you want to read it.I'll have it back when you kill yourself please.I would go for the hose pipe to the car exhaust,painless,and,once it's started that's it.Most people that really want to do it,do it like that. :thumbs:



Only because they haven't got access to a Nitrogen supply, why the f**k would anyone want to choke to death on smelly Carbon Monoxide, when you could do it ten times as quick and with no unpleasant odour and once the Nitrogens started, there's no chance of opening the car door and walking away, but you're right in one aspect for sure, if someone is in the correct mindset about doing it, then whatever the method, they'll generally carry it out.


Albert came from round our end, taught by his Uncle, a family business type of thing, he was the third in the family and the book is a good read, particularly things like which side to put the knot in the noose, so the c**ts suffer and don't just die of a quick broken neck.

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