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Calling A Dog Off A Run...

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  On 28/07/2013 at 09:22, BORDERSCOT said:

Kick on Gaz 'fella'..... :thumbs:


Next month it'll be tropical fish...orienteering, origami or maybe even scuba diving with Jacques Cousteau..... :D

I had tropical fish. They all died when the water froze over.

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So many dogs get stolen from in front of shops: don't do it Gaz: not worth the risk, no matter how loyal and well trained she is. Plus, dog off lead in town, no matter how steady: accident waiting to

ive seen walking by the shop putting the dogs in there kennels then walking back to the shop i wont even tie them up at the front of a shop

Someone will be away with it one day.....

  On 28/07/2013 at 09:20, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:18, rob190364 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:16, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:13, rob190364 said:


Speak now or forever hold your peace.

I've wasted enough of my time already pal....you know better than everyone else.

Stop coming across all shitty now Rob. I don't think I know better than anyone else and you know full well I don't.


I just don't need a weather man to tell me it's pissing down.


Read your own posts Gaz, that's exactly how you come across....I can only speak for how you come across on here.


So, because you've been a member on here for a few years it means you must be right? Even people who've been in the game longer than you've been alive don't usually have that sort of attitude!


The thing that I don't get about what you're saying, you say you know exactly what scumbags are out there, and what the risks are etc. etc......and yet you left her outside a shop anyway? I guess it's the 'it'll never happen to me' syndrome.

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  On 28/07/2013 at 09:27, rob190364 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:20, Gaz_1989 said:



  On 28/07/2013 at 09:18, rob190364 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:16, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:13, rob190364 said:


Speak now or forever hold your peace.

I've wasted enough of my time already pal....you know better than everyone else.
Stop coming across all shitty now Rob. I don't think I know better than anyone else and you know full well I don't.


I just don't need a weather man to tell me it's pissing down.

Read your own posts Gaz, that's exactly how you come across....I can only speak for how you come across on here.


So, because you've been a member on here for a few years it means you must be right? Even people who've been in the game longer than you've been alive don't usually have that sort of attitude!


The thing that I don't get about what you're saying, you say you know exactly what scumbags are out there, and what the risks are etc. etc......and yet you left her outside a shop anyway? I guess it's the 'it'll never happen to me' syndrome.

You are either not reading my posts or just too blind and set in your ways to think about what I'm saying.


I never mentioned being right. I know it was silly. Is silly. Whatever. So be it.


I have been on here a few years and lads like you know me pretty well and know that I don't need advising that leaving a dog outside a shop is risky. FFS.


Being better or knowing better doesn't come into it.


I drank out of a can last night, a couple of people died from weils disease last week from drinking from a can with rats piss on the top.


Will I drink from a can again? Yes probably.


I didn't bag up or pull out of my missus yesterday and she's not on the pill. Was it silly? Yes. Might I do it again. Probably.


I'm sorry if my relaxed attitude towards life offends.

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  On 28/07/2013 at 09:34, riohog said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:32, desertbred said:

why do all topics on THL always end up in personal attacks and point scoring

:laugh::laugh: I hadn't noticed that ;)


:laugh: you would have except for leaving the glass eyes outside Tesco :laugh::laugh:

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Depends on the dog calling Trev or the terriers off forget it once that twitch has begun they are off on the job. The staffy because I trained her different I could make her stop in the middle of a chase with the whistle no problem but she was trained as a gundog so...


Personally I wouldn't expect the lurcher to stop BUT and this is a big but I would have prefered it if I had at least trained to the stop whistle as it can be a bit hairy around main roads when predator and prey make a beeline for a feckin motorway :laugh: :laugh:

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  On 28/07/2013 at 09:34, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:27, rob190364 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:20, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:18, rob190364 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:16, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 28/07/2013 at 09:13, rob190364 said:


Speak now or forever hold your peace.

I've wasted enough of my time already pal....you know better than everyone else.
Stop coming across all shitty now Rob. I don't think I know better than anyone else and you know full well I don't.


I just don't need a weather man to tell me it's pissing down.

Read your own posts Gaz, that's exactly how you come across....I can only speak for how you come across on here.


So, because you've been a member on here for a few years it means you must be right? Even people who've been in the game longer than you've been alive don't usually have that sort of attitude!


The thing that I don't get about what you're saying, you say you know exactly what scumbags are out there, and what the risks are etc. etc......and yet you left her outside a shop anyway? I guess it's the 'it'll never happen to me' syndrome.

You are either not reading my posts or just too blind and set in your ways to think about what I'm saying.


I never mentioned being right. I know it was silly. Is silly. Whatever. So be it.


I have been on here a few years and lads like you know me pretty well and know that I don't need advising that leaving a dog outside a shop is risky. FFS.


Being better or knowing better doesn't come into it.


I drank out of a can last night, a couple of people died from weils disease last week from drinking from a can with rats piss on the top.


Will I drink from a can again? Yes probably.


I didn't bag up or pull out of my missus yesterday and she's not on the pill. Was it silly? Yes. Might I do it again. Probably.


I'm sorry if my relaxed attitude towards life offends.


for every action there is a reaction , !!way I see it pal is if there is no benefit from the risk why do it,, ;)

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  On 28/07/2013 at 09:48, Big bald beautiful said:

Ffs...your going to die of weils disease and your Mrs is pregnant....


Well she doesn't have to worry about feeding your dog...it was stolen from outside Tesco


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  On 28/07/2013 at 09:48, Big bald beautiful said:

Ffs...your going to die of weils disease and your Mrs is pregnant....


Well she doesn't have to worry about feeding your dog...it was stolen from outside Tesco

Brilliant. It all works out for the best then :laugh:

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Back too the original topic my own dogs I have no chance once there on there is no stopping them even if I go too grab them standing next too me they do a little side move and keeps running but I have had the pleasure of watching one dog being able too stop half way threw a run into a lying down position like a collie does and the dog was a collie cross he certainly had he's dogs trained too a higher degree then mine so yes with the right dog it can be done but it takes a good dog trainer as well

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after reading 5 page's 3 of which are pssf, i personaly wouldnt give anyone the chance to nab my mutts.

for everytime a dog is left outside anywhere you are increasing your chance in loosing it, to theft / it wondering away or even scumbag dog wardens :yes: that pick dogs up thats been left unattended or even out of gardens :yes: (as they are out there)

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