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Who Supports The Edl (Tommy Robbinson) ......?

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yes they were let in, as were dozens of other cultures and religions but the only one that fails to assimilate into British culture (any culture) are the Muslims. There are currently 22 wars waging in the world, 20 involve Islam? even in totally Islamic country's they still need to kill to justify Islam,

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Thugs Racists Call Them What You Will But What I Can See Is The Country Is A Mess . . Imigrants By The Thousands Already Here & More On The Way . . British Soldier Being Be-Headed On A London St O

Wilf The Traitors Need No Help Mate . . The EDL Have Done One Thing Right And Thats Opened People's Eyes Too The Way Those So Called Leaders And Those In Power i.e. Police Ect Are Fawning Over These P

Sophisticated ?? Nothing Sophisticated About Raping Children , Bombing Trains & Buses , Be-Heading Soldiers On OUR STREETS , Burning The National Flag , Abusing Our For-Fathers Memorials , Changin

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For my money, mobs like the EDL do more harm than good when trying to make any type of reasoned case against the creep, creep of "positive" discrimination against the indigenous people of this country.


They are made out to be the face of British culture when they are nothing of the sort but folk will look at them, see on the whole whole a bunch of tinny swilling bell ends, and the case for multi cultural ism is seen as the a better option.


All the EDL do is help the traitors of our nation with the propaganda war and help them murder my nation and culture

jesus that's two posts in a row from you that i totally agree with, i'm feeling a bit

faint lol but i agree totally everyone ends up lookin at a load of yobs instead of

the problem at hand.their the politically correct brigades best weapon all the focus

moves straight to them & they can't see it


only if your that blind you cant see whats in front of you

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As i said earlier, all the EDL are is a pressure group set up after our returning troops were abused by Muslim protesters at there home coming parade in Luton 2009. there only political aim is to stop the spread of radical Islam and the introduction of Sharia law in the UK. I can not see how any Englishman, Scotsman,Welshman, Irishman or any other nationality living legally and peacefully in Great Britain would have an issue with that? How can these aims be classed as Racist? as for religion i am not in the slightest bit religious. if someone could show me something that was written by a GOD and not a man working on a GODS behalf then i may well become committed to the possibility of becoming religious, Anyone who thinks radical Islam is not a problem only needs to turn the tv on in any non Muslim country in the world and pick any news channel.

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The only foreigb culture that has arguably assimilated is the irish. Brainwashing the indigenous white youth to believing rap culture and kebabs are their culture is a travesty. You cant just pick and choose which immigrant group is good or bad they are all detrimental to our nation and race.

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As i said earlier, all the EDL are is a pressure group set up after our returning troops were abused by Muslim protesters at there home coming parade in Luton 2009. there only political aim is to stop the spread of radical Islam and the introduction of Sharia law in the UK. I can not see how any Englishman, Scotsman,Welshman, Irishman or any other nationality living legally and peacefully in Great Britain would have an issue with that? How can these aims be classed as Racist? as for religion i am not in the slightest bit religious. if someone could show me something that was written by a GOD and not a man working on a GODS behalf then i may well become committed to the possibility of becoming religious, Anyone who thinks radical Islam is not a problem only needs to turn the tv on in any non Muslim country in the world and pick any news channel.

show me any other Mod who posts as much crap as you

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its the same regurgatated shite every time The 22 conflicts around the world in Muslim countries he omits to state how many have been instigated and financed by USA and Britain , the perfect example is Egypt at the moment the British hatched a conspiracy to remove Hosnai Mubaraak with the collusion of Isreal on the pretext of bringing Democracy, after having elections and The Muslim brotherhood won much to the dismay of Britain Isreal and America Tthe army then imprisoned the President that had been elected in the democraric elections supervised by the Western goverments now the people dieing in the streets for the return of a democratically elected President are the very ones the Americans Jews and British are against is this what western democracy is all about Paulus always ommits the relevant facts. The majority of conflicts around the world have thier beginnings in the interference of America and Britain along with thier Zionist Masters involved. Most of the despot leaders like Mubaraak, Gadaafi, Sadaam, Karzai,the Saudi regime were placed in the positions of power by Britain as were many of the African dictators it was a British backed regime in South Africa that imprisoned Mandellas as a terrorist now he is a freedom fighter. These little snippets are based on facts yet Paulus being an islamaphobe would sooner bang on about issues without the full facts being presented.

Edited by desertbred
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its the same regurgatated shite every time The 22 conflicts around the world in Muslim countries he omits to state how many have been instigated and financed by USA and Britain , the perfect example is Egypt at the moment the British hatched a conspiracy to remove Hosnai Mubaraak with the collusion of Isreal on the pretext of bringing Democracy, after having elections and The Muslim brotherhood won much to the dismay of Britain Isreal and America Tthe army then imprisoned the President that had been elected in the democraric elections supervised by the Western goverments now the people dieing in the streets for the return of a democratically elected President are the very ones the Americans Jews and British are against is this what western democracy is all about Paulus always ommits the relevant facts. The majority of conflicts around the world have thier beginnings in the interference of America and Britain along with thier Zionist Masters involved. Most of the despot leaders like Mubaraak, Gadaafi, Sadaam, Karzai,the Saudi regime were placed in the positions of power by Britain as were many of the African dictators it was a British backed regime in South Africa that imprisoned Mandellas as a terrorist now he is a freedom fighter. These little snippets are based on facts yet Paulus being an islamaphobe would sooner bang on about issues without the full facts being presented.

im sure i have mentioned the men in suits once or twice before :laugh: Islamaphobe :laugh: definitely not, anti Islamic extremism............. definitely :thumbs:

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Did you wash today?


5 times a day unlike you what is it a shower or bath once a week :thumbs:
DOUBT IT..... Edited by Blue Pocket Rocket
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