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Long Netting,whats The Longest You Have Used At Night

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hi all ive got a few drops up north along very long banks wick with rabbits now their can be up to 200 rabbits out feeding (netrigger you know the place ;) ) now ive only ever used 150m of net at night on my own but this place could have 300m plus out with ease,


so what the most you have used or know of being used safely

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Personally I don't think you will get an answer to your question PK. This section is one of the few sections where dick measuring does not apply. As stated this is just my own opinion it does not matter how much net you have out, how may rabbits you catch, all that matters is that you get out and do a bit.


I am not knocking you, I know where you worked there were a lot of rabbits and you probably caught more than I have in my life, in the time you were there. But, there again just my opinion, your catches were no more valid than the chap who goes out now and again for a couple of rabbits. There is no need for the 'whats the most' type of post. That said, if you went out tonight and caught 3, 30 or 300 rabbits we would love to hear about it.


I hope I do not offend you with this post as it is not meant to offend and is just my personal opinion.



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Christ I hate those "BIG" drops. big to me is 400yrd..too much time running the nets out and the 1st fifty will (most of the time) already caught, and then the big walk in to find holes chewn in that fifty....AARRGGH NEVER AGAIN. Im spoilt in that most of "our" drops don't go over 75yrd and im more than happy with that.

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if the drop was that big i would look at using quick set because your back will possibly give you gip at the end of a 300 yd drop im sure. if you aint got enough net take 25/50 yds nets and place them strategicaly. place them were you find the runs when walking in the day.



netrigger will have qucksets you could take him and load him up wi all the rabbits :laugh:

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if the drop was that big i would look at using quick set because your back will possibly give you gip at the end of a 300 yd drop im sure. if you aint got enough net take 25/50 yds nets and place them strategicaly. place them were you find the runs when walking in the day.



netrigger will have qucksets you could take him and load him up wi all the rabbits :laugh:

I only use Sprint Set Nets!! I have tried the Quick/ Fast/ Speed Set Nets and t.b.h. I just cant get on with them ..

Sprint Set Nets are the best :thumbs: ...

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Personally I don't think you will get an answer to your question PK. This section is one of the few sections where dick measuring does not apply. As stated this is just my own opinion it does not matter how much net you have out, how may rabbits you catch, all that matters is that you get out and do a bit.


I am not knocking you, I know where you worked there were a lot of rabbits and you probably caught more than I have in my life, in the time you were there. But, there again just my opinion, your catches were no more valid than the chap who goes out now and again for a couple of rabbits. There is no need for the 'whats the most' type of post. That said, if you went out tonight and caught 3, 30 or 300 rabbits we would love to hear about it.


I hope I do not offend you with this post as it is not meant to offend and is just my personal opinion.



not at all, as ever your posts are valued greatly. but my post was not ment to induce dick swinging or be a "whats the most" type of post...perhaps i should have worded it better too what lenth of net CAN YOU work single handed at night, like i say i only use 150m but have chance to drop and work up to 300m and perhaps a bit more with chance of a lot of rabbits being caught,i dont want to be running more than i can work (thou i dont know how much that is)

i must add that i get paid for a lot of my rabbiting and/or sell my catch for a not bad price so its as much a living as it is a hobby,hence the desire to catch as many as possible, but like you say a large amount of it is getting out their and doing it. just gota get a decent night for it oh forgot to say its the mother of all blind sets

Edited by perthshire keeper
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i think you can run out what ever you can get in your coat... the problem is the length of time it takes to run the nets out as if your 20 minutes running 250 yds out then you walk the fields your net could well be full of holes with rabbits lost and possibly educated..


after walking the field you then got to rush down the net killing the net..


i would look at getting help

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He wouldn't be 20 mins if he had sprint nets ...



all if's and but's, all if's and but's


longnettings a lot of if's and but's


but if he had them he would not need to post.. if you would run em out and send the longnetting dog to walk the field like every other experienced netter seems to do :icon_eek:


ohhh id love a dog

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He wouldn't be 20 mins if he had sprint nets ...



all if's and but's, all if's and but's


longnettings a lot of if's and but's


but if he had them he would not need to post.. if you would run em out and send the longnetting dog to walk the field like every other experienced netter seems to do :icon_eek:


ohhh id love a dog


yeh i wouls just run out 400m of net and send my uber dog to send the rabbits running in like a prize collie running in sheep at wigton lol

i could do woth a netting partner but by shooting buddy is the noisyest heavy footed fecker in the county

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