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Hide Shooting Over Wheat And Rape ?

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hi just wondering if anyone has been out i the hide this year on the corn and rape fields as im wanting to get out with my r-10 but no fields have been harvested on my 300 acre perm yet :no: so if you guys have been out how did you get on ? thanks,jack

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They're bombing in to the standing Wheat at the moment in flocks of over 100. Going to hit them on Saturday but numbers won't be all that due to foliage on sitty trees blocking shots.


Harvest starts on the rape next Monday and I'm intending to be there Wednesday, but this rain might put a stop on the start date, so we'll have to see.


I've repainted the white on the decoys, repacked my decoying bag several times, double checked the floater and am almost wetting myself with excitement!

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great, post on how you guys get on ,my perms to be cut within the next few days, and its been extremely sunny up hear and red hot for weeks. but my granddad is wanting it to rain because our silage fields aren't not doing well and are due to be cut in days.

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