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Game dealers will take them but expect to be kicked in the balls on price. But saying that a quid for a rabbit with the puddings out is better than nothing.

My butchers won't take them until autumn so mine go to a BOP centre. For free during the spring and summer.


Come winter it's two and a half quid a rabbit at the butchers.


Folk will also take them for dog jock or fill their freezers for the ferrets.

Plenty of options.

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Will333 my brother-in-law is a butcher here in Oxford and i have spoken to him about buying some (if i ever get enough), he said that he is getting more and more people asking if he has got or can he get then. He and i think that the harder it is made for people to feed their family then people will go for the cheaper cut. If you have that many wabbits why not offer them to your family or even some older people (old enough to have been around during the war) because they will be used to eating cheaper and different meats. If you have lots of spare go around you to any old folk and offer them for free.

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Buy a freezer and feed your stuff on them at least that way you get something back , Butchers will take a few but its hardly worth the effort but there the best payers , game dealers are rip off merchants they will take them all at 30 pence each then take the petrol money off your money . I swap a few for fish but you have to gut and skin them and then the same with the fish , So i prefer just dishing a few out to pals

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