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Two Bandits Meet The Darkside.

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At the Permission for a couple of hours after work to day to relax and Kill things :).

Just sat in a Natural Hide which overlooks the Beetroot crop, Spuds, and Peas.

Lining up to drop My first woodie of the Evening when a Pair of Maggies started to Mob it,

also spoiling My shot at the Evenings Chilli Pigeon Kebab :angry2:.

But one then landed in the Apple tree to My right and i shot Him in the Chest :yes:

His mate flew into the tree looking for Him so she got a JSB 15.89gr .22 to the Napper.

So No Pigeon but cleared a pair of Bandits so not all Bad.


atvb Daz 7.





Edited by Daz 7
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