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Ok lads I'm planning on getting a 97k when I can afford it and I am gonna ring the main man himself tomorrow tony to ask for prices

But what would I be looking at paying for a stage 2 tuned 97 new or secondhand cheers all Atb Tom :thumbs:

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Spot on Scott a Tune nowadays seems to be a MUST, these rifles can shoot more accurately than most people out of the box! weather its a 97, TX or whatever, its not a must, it wont make you shoot any

Have a look at the used market especially if the gun's off for a tune anyway. An older 97 (or 77) are better built than the stuff they're slinging together these days.

My .22 hw97kt gives out a right twang! But i can deal with that. Its as accurate as any rifle and when i shoot it correctly it puts a group of 10 pellets through a ragged hole at 35 yards. Its twangy

Have a look at the used market especially if the gun's off for a tune anyway. An older 97 (or 77) are better built than the stuff they're slinging together these days.

like most things these days I suppose ;)
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Have a look at the used market especially if the gun's off for a tune anyway. An older 97 (or 77) are better built than the stuff they're slinging together these days.

Mineis better than the one I had 10 years ago
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Have a look at the used market especially if the gun's off for a tune anyway. An older 97 (or 77) are better built than the stuff they're slinging together these days.

Mineis better than the one I had 10 years ago



I know what you mean, Andy. There's always exceptions but as a general rule, the older ones were better built and finished than the ones that are being produced now.

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