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Usa Lurcher (Stag X Collie)

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9-24-13 (7 1/2 Weeks):  

6 months old and getting started. I snapped a couple of quick photos after I took them out of the truck today.   Tommy:   Foxy:

Here they are on 9-2-13:

At this point I'm with you on that one. My wife likes the funny looking one (2nd). I like something about all of them but they'll start separating themselves pretty quick. Usually you can get a good look at what their adult body proportions will be at around 10 weeks. I'll be looking for the longest body. I figure that will likely be the pup with the most staghound body on it. I've got this crazy little book that has intelligence tests that you can give to dogs to see what level they can function at and it really gives you a good idea of which pup has got the smarts. I've used it for a long time now and it's very reliable. I've put around 11 litters of pups through the tests and it lines them up well.


After I'm done, I'll post the results. Tomorrow I'm worming the lot with Strongid and the mother also.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Marvel- No kidding! This is NOT going to be easy!!


Beast- The goofy one is acting like a champ now, the champ is somewhere in the middle of the pack and I'm not as sure about the for-sure pup. I don't want to have a big lightbulb running around the woods but the whitest pup seems to be taking on the biggest and most stag-type body but they are some dang close it's going to be a crap shoot. I've got a whole pile of intelligence tests for dogs that I'm going to put them through. That should make some decisions for me. It doesn't measure desire but it's a handy tool that will make a big difference on my pick. When I get done with the tests I'll post the results.

Edited by Dan McDonough
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