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The End Of Britain.

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I'm not the most savvy when it comes to money like these financial advisors etc, but I am reasonable sensible with the stuff. Anyway it's always struck me, the best way to invest money is in yourself.

I am starting to think that those doomsday preppers aren't so nuts after all. I think food wise more people will start to grow their own.   With the amount of people on the planet I can't see ther

yer but on a lighter note I'm going to the coast at the weekend lol.

I'm just lucky I came from a family has always been a little "prepper", not quite to the extremes of doomsday preppers (Love watching it though!) but I know how to build a smoker for meat or fish. I can build a root cellar, and I know a ton of ways to preserve food the "oldie" way thanks to mum. Dads always been of the opinion that you should depend on no one but yourself as the Gov hardly has your personal best interests at heart, one of the reasons he's always prided himself, that he could go out and get a good dinner by making traps.


Took me for a walk yesterday and was pointing out all these edible trees and a plants on the way. He needs to get better at his mushrooms though! Thats my area at the moment!

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