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Sharia Justice

Guest thebigdog

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Aye I would if I could and tell all British people to spend their money in only British shops, there's another honest answer from me to you. Now im asking the question for the third time, this topic is about a subject do you believe in and would you defend this topic its not an opertunity to write another paragraph or ask me another questions its a simple question that requires a yes or no answer.

You want to write a paragraph but curtail my right LOL you also want to dictate where people spend thier money the Topic is Shariat Justice and yes I support it rather than freedom for Scotland

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see the top comment on the page 'if you go to dubai you obey there laws, simple' well how about when they come over here, obey our laws eh..? we wanna take a leaf out of dubais book and say 'this is o

I see them feckers aren't worried about human rights yet they all scream for human rights over here.   Unbelievable !!

I just think sod all the peaceful walks or moaning on the Internet bring on the civil war and sooner rather than later as they are out breeding us. I'm not racist I wouldn't have a problem if more Mus


Aye I would if I could and tell all British people to spend their money in only British shops, there's another honest answer from me to you. Now im asking the question for the third time, this topic is about a subject do you believe in and would you defend this topic its not an opertunity to write another paragraph or ask me another questions its a simple question that requires a yes or no answer.

the Topic is Shariat Justice and yes I support it



This is part of your sharia justice and you support it;




Vile disgusting sub humans the lot of you

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Aye I would if I could and tell all British people to spend their money in only British shops, there's another honest answer from me to you. Now im asking the question for the third time, this topic is about a subject do you believe in and would you defend this topic its not an opertunity to write another paragraph or ask me another questions its a simple question that requires a yes or no answer.

the Topic is Shariat Justice and yes I support it



This is part of your sharia justice and you support it;




Vile disgusting sub humans the lot of you


Ah well you have spoken :thumbs:

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I curtail your right to a paragraph? You are what we call up here a pie that's your milking the f**k out of things instinct coming out. That's all I wanted an answer to you were dodging the question a couple of times so I took it upon myself to give you a little guidance. Wasn't to hard was it. I don't want to dictate anybody I just think if there was less here financially for the people who for some reason want our country they would maybe f**k off. Its my money if I want to spend it in a shop I will if I don't I won't. Don't know why you brought Scotland into it probably fishing for another argument you seem to like them sitting behind a made up username like another lot of them on here, I'm sure my understanding of what kind of person you are is correct and I'm sure yours of me will be correct without us arguing for the next 3 days.

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The really tragic thing about this is we ( by we , I mean the indigenous British working class ) have the solution , Like Max says , its OUR money that funds their business,s , so boycott simple , encourage others to do the same , organise communal transport to british shops if need be , apathy is problem fight it where you find it .

The liberal left wing media , let them know how you feel , organise letter writing groups to help out those who have trouble expressing their opinion via the written word .the amount of posts on here answering one arrogant feker would be better served going to the media , LET THEM KNOW how we feel .

THE government , if you must vote , let them know they don,t get your vote ...unless ...

Don,t get caught in the " theres good and bad in all religions debate "If you believe in Islam you are the enemy , you wish me and my kind harm their first loyalty is to Islam they are ALL the enemy.

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I curtail your right to a paragraph? You are what we call up here a pie that's your milking the f**k out of things instinct coming out. That's all I wanted an answer to you were dodging the question a couple of times so I took it upon myself to give you a little guidance. Wasn't to hard was it. I don't want to dictate anybody I just think if there was less here financially for the people who for some reason want our country they would maybe f**k off. Its my money if I want to spend it in a shop I will if I don't I won't. Don't know why you brought Scotland into it probably fishing for another argument you seem to like them sitting behind a made up username like another lot of them on here, I'm sure my understanding of what kind of person you are is correct and I'm sure yours of me will be correct without us arguing for the next 3 days.

Your opinion of me does not concern me in the slightest As for made up usernames only idiots use the correct name on a hunting web. As for guidance it would be the last resort for guidance from you . We agree your money to spend as you want and my choice to live as I wont, As for Shariat the Laws are fine its the way some choose to interpret them where the problem lyes just as British legal system as a point over one of the doors of the inns of court in London there is a list of the 10 greatest law givers the world has known the first name is the Prophet of Islam strange
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Aye only an idiot would put their real name on a forum, or only people that could fit their name in. I have nothing to hide nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to be scared of so i dont feel a need to hide my name i am who i am. Like I said I won't continue the argument over a website. Everyone on this site knows what type of person you are now. I'm sure your opinions and comments will soon be ignored and you'll be talking to yourself on here.

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Aye only an idiot would put their real name on a forum, or only people that could fit their name in. I have nothing to hide nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to be scared of so i dont feel a need to hide my name i am who i am. Like I said I won't continue the argument over a website. Everyone on this site knows what type of person you are now. I'm sure your opinions and comments will soon be ignored and you'll be talking to yourself on here.

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I curtail your right to a paragraph? You are what we call up here a pie that's your milking the f**k out of things instinct coming out. That's all I wanted an answer to you were dodging the question a couple of times so I took it upon myself to give you a little guidance. Wasn't to hard was it. I don't want to dictate anybody I just think if there was less here financially for the people who for some reason want our country they would maybe f**k off. Its my money if I want to spend it in a shop I will if I don't I won't. Don't know why you brought Scotland into it probably fishing for another argument you seem to like them sitting behind a made up username like another lot of them on here, I'm sure my understanding of what kind of person you are is correct and I'm sure yours of me will be correct without us arguing for the next 3 days.

Your opinion of me does not concern me in the slightest As for made up usernames only idiots use the correct name on a hunting web. As for guidance it would be the last resort for guidance from you . We agree your money to spend as you want and my choice to live as I wont, As for Shariat the Laws are fine its the way some choose to interpret them where the problem lyes just as British legal system as a point over one of the doors of the inns of court in London there is a list of the 10 greatest law givers the world has known the first name is the Prophet of Islam strange


Seeing as your reduced to childish name calling, I`ll chuck my 2 pence in. I may be an idiot, but Ive nothing to hide unlike you and your kind. I cant wait to embrace the day we take to the streets and stomp your race and religion out like the vermin you are.

Sharia my white arse.

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I curtail your right to a paragraph? You are what we call up here a pie that's your milking the f**k out of things instinct coming out. That's all I wanted an answer to you were dodging the question a couple of times so I took it upon myself to give you a little guidance. Wasn't to hard was it. I don't want to dictate anybody I just think if there was less here financially for the people who for some reason want our country they would maybe f**k off. Its my money if I want to spend it in a shop I will if I don't I won't. Don't know why you brought Scotland into it probably fishing for another argument you seem to like them sitting behind a made up username like another lot of them on here, I'm sure my understanding of what kind of person you are is correct and I'm sure yours of me will be correct without us arguing for the next 3 days.

Your opinion of me does not concern me in the slightest As for made up usernames only idiots use the correct name on a hunting web. As for guidance it would be the last resort for guidance from you . We agree your money to spend as you want and my choice to live as I wont, As for Shariat the Laws are fine its the way some choose to interpret them where the problem lyes just as British legal system as a point over one of the doors of the inns of court in London there is a list of the 10 greatest law givers the world has known the first name is the Prophet of Islam strange


Seeing as your reduced to childish name calling, I`ll chuck my 2 pence in. I may be an idiot, but Ive nothing to hide unlike you and your kind. I cant wait to embrace the day we take to the streets and stomp your race and religion out like the vermin you are.

Sharia my white arse.


you couldnt stomp f**k all you talk shite to much
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At least we have an idea of how bad a person he is and he follows that shite if everybody ignores everything he says hel have no need to post.



desertbred, seems to have a problem with raicsts, yet he thinks its cool to call folk, welsh wankers, or welsh tossers, when he is no more than a ex army mussie, that has left his oh so beloved country to come an live in ours, in proper parasitic fashion.................



all mussies should be made to sign a contract if they want to live in out country, no ofs or buts, an i aint racist, im anti muslim, an muslim is a religion, not a race so stick that in your rolled up prayer mat an smoke it :bad:



if yous dont like us, why come here, we dont like yous, so we dont visit your dry arrid sweaty flip flop fookin nations :laugh:

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At least we have an idea of how bad a person he is and he follows that shite if everybody ignores everything he says hel have no need to post.



desertbred, seems to have a problem with raicsts, yet he thinks its cool to call folk, welsh wankers, or welsh tossers, when he is no more than a ex army mussie, that has left his oh so beloved country to come an live in ours, in proper parasitic fashion.................



all mussies should be made to sign a contract if they want to live in out country, no ofs or buts, an i aint racist, im anti muslim, an muslim is a religion, not a race so stick that in your rolled up prayer mat an smoke it :bad:



if yous dont like us, why come here, we dont like yous, so we dont visit your dry arrid sweaty flip flop fookin nations :laugh:


Screw politically correct. If it means I am a racist because I want regulated immigration, no more mosques, all detained Islamic terrorists in our prison system to immediately be deported (with their families), schools where all children speak the Queens English, where all abattoirs use humane culling techniques, cities and towns where it's safe for our women to walk at night, communities where a sense of patriotism is felt when a soldier walks down the street and my children at free will to not have to worry about grooming pedo's who base their evil nature on the life and times of a tyrannical despot. Then Yes, I am a racist!

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At least we have an idea of how bad a person he is and he follows that shite if everybody ignores everything he says hel have no need to post.



desertbred, seems to have a problem with raicsts, yet he thinks its cool to call folk, welsh wankers, or welsh tossers, when he is no more than a ex army mussie, that has left his oh so beloved country to come an live in ours, in proper parasitic fashion.................



all mussies should be made to sign a contract if they want to live in out country, no ofs or buts, an i aint racist, im anti muslim, an muslim is a religion, not a race so stick that in your rolled up prayer mat an smoke it :bad:



if yous dont like us, why come here, we dont like yous, so we dont visit your dry arrid sweaty flip flop fookin nations :laugh:


Screw politically correct. If it means I am a racist because I want regulated immigration, no more mosques, all detained Islamic terrorists in our prison system to immediately be deported (with their families), schools where all children speak the Queens English, where all abattoirs use humane culling techniques, cities and towns where it's safe for our women to walk at night, communities where a sense of patriotism is felt when a soldier walks down the street and my children at free will to not have to worry about grooming pedo's who base their evil nature on the life and times of a tyrannical despot. Then Yes, I am a racist!




but thats just it, i dont have a problem with any race wanting to come here an contribute to our way of life, fook i seriously think we could learn a thing or three from other races, but i aint racist, i honestly aint, im just pro keeping OUR country OURS... like i said if the mussies want to live here, let it be by our laws, like we would have to do in there lands, then if they break that, send em back... letts face it, its too late to stop em, so lets just treat them the exact same way as we treat everybody else :yes:

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