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Bald Or Grey?

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Hair is a nuisance, clippers with the guard off once a week sorts the problem of hair and grey

If I was going bald I'd probably shave my head I can't be doing these crafty comb overs.

Grey or bald has to be better than these men you see with ludicrous colour (normally ginger) nylon wigs with grey wisps of hair poking out. If I see a bald or grey haired man walking down the street I

getting a wee bald patch on my crown,aye and a tad grey at the sides.but its called getting old.when i have a f*****g stroke or have to cut about with a zimmer frame then ill feel old lol

I'll bet you had a gazza hair cut when he was playing for rangers, dyed shocking blonde :)

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It's the fact that i'm going grey downstairs now... My nut sack is starting to look like Philip Schofield...!

Ha Ha Ha.. I`d rather go grey than bald, 100%. I`m 34 in a fortnight, no balding or greying :boogy: Probably all fall out next week...
Nearly 47 not a grey one on me head :toast::tongue2: I had one come through a year or two back but it hasn't returned YET ...

I've got quite a few in the beard though





looks like a barristers wig ..

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silver streaks,the proper ones,not yon f*****g dull yellow hideous look. oh and it had nothing to do with gazza. lol

:laugh: hair style favorited by the marching fraternity :D

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It's the fact that i'm going grey downstairs now... My nut sack is starting to look like Philip Schofield...!


Ha Ha Ha.. I`d rather go grey than bald, 100%. I`m 34 in a fortnight, no balding or greying :boogy: Probably all fall out next week...
Nearly 47 not a grey one on me head :toast::tongue2: I had one come through a year or two back but it hasn't returned YET ...

I've got quite a few in the beard though



That's PIL! I thought no-one had a photo of him. :laugh:

just trying to get your own back cus you can't shoot straight :toast::tongue2::laugh: :laugh:

All will be revealed at the comp :thumbs:



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Grey and bald,,, yet my body grows hair like you wouldn't believe ,,, shave my head twice a week,, get the clippers with no graders all over me body in the summer,,, look like a new born baby,,,, and a fecking gorilla in the winner,,,lol


Good job my mrs loves me,,lol

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Ive slept with many grey haired men.... Never a baldie ;)

So what your saying is..... I should get a no2 and me, you and Kay have a threesome :D


Dont be greedy :laugh:

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