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Bald Or Grey?

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I've got plenty of thick dark hair only trouble is its all around the side and back of my head lol. I'm going bald so its to the bone when I go to the barbers . I've got a couple of little nephews that think its great fun to creep up behind me and slap my head because they like the sound it makes , they think its highly funny lol !

That'll be where the term slap head comes from :D on the bride side, could be worse....... You could be like tomo and malt, baldy with a back like a silver back :D
yep it could be a lot worse I'm lucky as I haven't got a hairy back . I've got a mate thats got such a hairy back it looks like he's got a badger trying to escape under he's T shirt lol.
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Hair is a nuisance, clippers with the guard off once a week sorts the problem of hair and grey

If I was going bald I'd probably shave my head I can't be doing these crafty comb overs.

Grey or bald has to be better than these men you see with ludicrous colour (normally ginger) nylon wigs with grey wisps of hair poking out. If I see a bald or grey haired man walking down the street I



I think its the whole barber experience I don't like. I'm not one for looking at myself in the mirror at the best of times. So, sitting there, middle of a packed room, big f**k off mirror for company, with some homo running his hands through my hair, ain't my cup of tea :D I do anything but look directly at the f*****g mirror :laugh:

That's where your going wrong, the mirror is for looking at the birds tits that's cutting your hair.

Mines a bloke mate :( I can mind one haircut, I was 18, down in blackpool, me the mates roughing it in the car lol. I goes in for a haircut first thing, only me and this fit hairdresser. I kid you not mate, at one point she was straddling my f*****g knee :D pity I had a smoke and was fanny feart :laugh:


Ha Ha Ha.. Bottled it ya shithouse. I got two mates that went to the same fit chiropractor, both thought they were well in there "climbing all over me mush, knee on my balls.." I tried telling them it was her job. I think they need to leave the carp rods alone and get out more - even if it is just for a hair cut :laugh:

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I think its the whole barber experience I don't like. I'm not one for looking at myself in the mirror at the best of times. So, sitting there, middle of a packed room, big f**k off mirror for company, with some homo running his hands through my hair, ain't my cup of tea :D I do anything but look directly at the f*****g mirror :laugh:

That's where your going wrong, the mirror is for looking at the birds tits that's cutting your hair.
Mines a bloke mate :( I can mind one haircut, I was 18, down in blackpool, me the mates roughing it in the car lol. I goes in for a haircut first thing, only me and this fit hairdresser. I kid you not mate, at one point she was straddling my f*****g knee :D pity I had a smoke and was fanny feart :laugh:

Ha Ha Ha.. Bottled it ya shithouse. I got two mates that went to the same fit chiropractor, both thought they were well in there "climbing all over me mush, knee on my balls.." I tried telling them it was her job. I think they need to leave the carp rods alone and get out more - even if it is just for a hair cut :laugh:

:laugh: oh this one knew what she was doing all right, had many a wet dream over her :laugh: she's been rode on that chair a hundred times :laugh: nothing worse than paranoia after a spliff lol. Another time fanny feart, me and the mate fishing, must have been about early 20's. just sitting on the beach next to a disused pier. Bunch of lassies about 17, wanting fags, chit chat etc. next thing one of them climbs up the pier and starts stripping down to bra and knickers and launches herself in the water. We hung about till she came out, got an eye full and left cos she was spoiling the fishing :laugh:

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It's the fact that i'm going grey downstairs now... My nut sack is starting to look like Philip Schofield...!


Ha Ha Ha.. I`d rather go grey than bald, 100%. I`m 34 in a fortnight, no balding or greying :boogy: Probably all fall out next week...
Nearly 47 not a grey one on me head :toast::tongue2: I had one come through a year or two back but it hasn't returned YET ...

I've got quite a few in the beard though

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I noticed last year I've started going grey, just at the sides but its still f*****g there. I'm not into dying my hair so that's Definately out the window, I can take the slagging for the grey but f**k that :laugh: so it got me thinking :hmm: which would I prefer, bald or grey? I've got a mate who's bald and I never notice it, its almost in fashion now. His wife gives him a no1, so the c**ts saving money too and I hate the barbers. You know how you get some guys who's hair looks the same length all the time? Well that ain't me :D I get it cut, no2, short back and sides lol, it looks good for a fortnight then terrible for the next 6 weeks till I can be arsed going back :D so, if you had a choice, would you baldies prefer grey hair or do you think bald is best :hmm:

if I was you baw I'd die my hair red rather than go bald...atb
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It's the fact that i'm going grey downstairs now... My nut sack is starting to look like Philip Schofield...!

Ha Ha Ha.. I`d rather go grey than bald, 100%. I`m 34 in a fortnight, no balding or greying :boogy: Probably all fall out next week...
Nearly 47 not a grey one on me head :toast::tongue2: I had one come through a year or two back but it hasn't returned YET ...

I've got quite a few in the beard though




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I noticed last year I've started going grey, just at the sides but its still f*****g there. I'm not into dying my hair so that's Definately out the window, I can take the slagging for the grey but f**k that :laugh: so it got me thinking :hmm: which would I prefer, bald or grey? I've got a mate who's bald and I never notice it, its almost in fashion now. His wife gives him a no1, so the c**ts saving money too and I hate the barbers. You know how you get some guys who's hair looks the same length all the time? Well that ain't me :D I get it cut, no2, short back and sides lol, it looks good for a fortnight then terrible for the next 6 weeks till I can be arsed going back :D so, if you had a choice, would you baldies prefer grey hair or do you think bald is best :hmm:

if I was you baw I'd die my hair red rather than go bald...atb

Cheers mate, I'll give the dye a pass

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I,m lucky , at 57 I still have a full head of jet black , thick , shoulder length , lustrous hair that shines in the sun like snot on a blackmans lip ,

Early on I read something you wrote and I was pissing myself, can't remember what it was but it fair tickled me :laugh:

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It's the fact that i'm going grey downstairs now... My nut sack is starting to look like Philip Schofield...!

Ha Ha Ha.. I`d rather go grey than bald, 100%. I`m 34 in a fortnight, no balding or greying :boogy: Probably all fall out next week...
Nearly 47 not a grey one on me head :toast::tongue2: I had one come through a year or two back but it hasn't returned YET ...

I've got quite a few in the beard though






That's PIL! I thought no-one had a photo of him. :laugh:

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It's the fact that i'm going grey downstairs now... My nut sack is starting to look like Philip Schofield...!


Ha Ha Ha.. I`d rather go grey than bald, 100%. I`m 34 in a fortnight, no balding or greying :boogy: Probably all fall out next week...
Nearly 47 not a grey one on me head :toast::tongue2: I had one come through a year or two back but it hasn't returned YET ...

I've got quite a few in the beard though



25 Years ago that could almost be me :tongue2::laugh:
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