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  On 16/07/2013 at 21:31, WILF said:


  On 16/07/2013 at 21:29, torchey said:

Only one rule if you think its going to kick off chin em :yes:

No, deffo avoid mate......depends what type of bloke you are but sometimes winning means you loose ;)


Unfortunately nowadays if you win and your caught by plod you deffo lose in the long run. i was attacked with a glass years ago, totally unprovoked, slipped it and layed him out cold, broken jaw bla bla bla 9 months later i was found guilty of assault :icon_eek:

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They looked pissed to me the way they were falling over every time they missed a punch ... That fella seriously needs to grow a pair of balls and man the fukc up ... What he did was as cowardly an act

It's got nothing to do with "strip to the waist" comments. I'ts about what's RIGHT. If it was my mrs, I'd never be able to look her in the face again if I was that spineless.

Bunch of fannies can't even land a punch properly. But what is that wanker doing leaving his girlfiend/wife's side? He should be protecting her or knocking f**k out them.

  On 16/07/2013 at 21:21, WILF said:

There's only two rules in a row


Don't have it if you can avoid it or run away


If you cant avoid it or run away make sure you win


Avoid is always best ;)


As the late great Bruce Lee said "the art of fighting without fighting."

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I remember once shouting out of my window at a load of girl guides that were walking past making a noise ... I made sure I hid behind the curtains incase they seen me .............

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I've been in a situation like that with my brother and a load of ethnics from the local indian who had it in for him because one of them was going out with my brothers ex! :laugh: It was in an alleyway by a pub on the way home after a drink. It was a confined space and every time one stepped up all I could do was dump tackle him to the deck and try finding space to hit the next fecker! :laugh: I had two on their backs at one point, went to stand up and another one came forward and booted me in the head! :laugh: He got slung against a wall! I didn't even land one punch the whole time and the police turned up pretty sharpish. I ain't much of a fighter but I was throwing them round like rag dolls, they generally ain't the most physically gifted types of people..

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  On 16/07/2013 at 21:31, gnasher16 said:

The funny thing about being attacked by people who cant fight sleep ( like the pakis in this video ) is that the more of them there is the less likely you are to get hurt !!.......any more than about 3 and they all crowd each other out and get in each others way.......once they,re all puffed out kicking and swinging you,ll normally get up with nothing worse than a few scuffs and bruises !!

I agree with Born to hunt...........confrontation is just not in some peoples make up its not about having bottle......." you cannot put in what nature left out "

I'm not so sure about that mate.


Up until about 17/18 I was afraid of any confrontation at all. Never had a fight as a kid.

Got filled in a few times but never started or retaliated. My parents had me boxing and doing Judo but it never really went anywhere.


Then one day a lad walked in the pub who bullied me through 2 years of school. He was the same size as when we were 15 and I was now 6' 2" and 15 stone.


I don't know why or how but a switch flicked in my head and I hammered him. Having never thrown a punch before it must of looked messy but even so he was eating through a straw for a few days I'm sure.


From that day forward I've never backed away from a scrap, I still won't start trouble and I'm a good talker in some situations but if it comes to fisty cuffs I'm not afraid to sort it out. I even work the doors now from time to time where confrontation is rife and I love it.


I know I didn't "put in what nature left out" but something changed it because it wasn't there before.

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  On 17/07/2013 at 06:37, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 16/07/2013 at 21:31, gnasher16 said:

The funny thing about being attacked by people who cant fight sleep ( like the pakis in this video ) is that the more of them there is the less likely you are to get hurt !!.......any more than about 3 and they all crowd each other out and get in each others way.......once they,re all puffed out kicking and swinging you,ll normally get up with nothing worse than a few scuffs and bruises !!

I agree with Born to hunt...........confrontation is just not in some peoples make up its not about having bottle......." you cannot put in what nature left out "

I'm not so sure about that mate.


Up until about 17/18 I was afraid of any confrontation at all. Never had a fight as a kid.

Got filled in a few times but never started or retaliated. My parents had me boxing and doing Judo but it never really went anywhere.


Then one day a lad walked in the pub who bullied me through 2 years of school. He was the same size as when we were 15 and I was now 6' 2" and 15 stone.


I don't know why or how but a switch flicked in my head and I hammered him. Having never thrown a punch before it must of looked messy but even so he was eating through a straw for a few days I'm sure.


From that day forward I've never backed away from a scrap, I still won't start trouble and I'm a good talker in some situations but if it comes to fisty cuffs I'm not afraid to sort it out. I even work the doors now from time to time where confrontation is rife and I love it.


I know I didn't "put in what nature left out" but something changed it because it wasn't there before.


aye you grew a pair of balls lol :thumbs:

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  On 17/07/2013 at 06:37, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 16/07/2013 at 21:31, gnasher16 said:

The funny thing about being attacked by people who cant fight sleep ( like the pakis in this video ) is that the more of them there is the less likely you are to get hurt !!.......any more than about 3 and they all crowd each other out and get in each others way.......once they,re all puffed out kicking and swinging you,ll normally get up with nothing worse than a few scuffs and bruises !!

I agree with Born to hunt...........confrontation is just not in some peoples make up its not about having bottle......." you cannot put in what nature left out "

I'm not so sure about that mate.


Up until about 17/18 I was afraid of any confrontation at all. Never had a fight as a kid.

Got filled in a few times but never started or retaliated. My parents had me boxing and doing Judo but it never really went anywhere.


Then one day a lad walked in the pub who bullied me through 2 years of school. He was the same size as when we were 15 and I was now 6' 2" and 15 stone.


I don't know why or how but a switch flicked in my head and I hammered him. Having never thrown a punch before it must of looked messy but even so he was eating through a straw for a few days I'm sure.


From that day forward I've never backed away from a scrap, I still won't start trouble and I'm a good talker in some situations but if it comes to fisty cuffs I'm not afraid to sort it out. I even work the doors now from time to time where confrontation is rife and I love it.


I know I didn't "put in what nature left out" but something changed it because it wasn't there before.



I can relate to that, but some lads never mature in that way. They are victims all their lives and never find the mental strength to stand toe to toe with an aggressor. It's not nice to see and sure as hell not nice to see someone that just isn't made that way be verbally knocked for it. Some people just don't have it in em, doesn't mean they aren't otherwise decent human beings.


I always see it similar to dogs, some mature faster than others and at some point you just see their drive switch on, but some just never do, doesn't mean they're a bad dog just shite at working, lol.

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