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Hunting Advice

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morning guys


well my ultra and I are getting on great, been shooting at new permission for couple nights and hitting 15mm kill zone targets @35 meters every time no problem..


so fitted silencer re zero (expected) but didnt expect the loss of fps lb/ft did 5 shot chrono what do you guys think.... looking to take out bugs at around 30 /35 mtrs.


no silencer

16 grn AA pellet








with silencer








i worked it out to just over 11. lb/ft without and 10.5 with according to chairgun it still have 60 percent @ 40 mtrs


does this sound right ????? dont want wounding shot


thanks for any advice





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Average with silencer = 559.9 = 11.1ft/lb

Average without silencer = 549.8 = 10.7ft/lb


Both are easily capable of humanly dispatching vermin, i have been shooting at 10.9ft/lb with no problems at all.


And yes silencers can adjust the velocity of the pellet, but with the power your rifle is putting out, as long as the silencer isn't affecting accuracy, you will be fine mate.


Hope this helps


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cheers Mike


so the numbers look ok .............Phew this first pcp and so many questions LOL wanted make sure if hit bunny at say 45 mtrs it would go down rather than turn at me and laugh ........worried the silencer would reduced it to much ...... think she still bedding in only month old and maybe fed her a tin and half .....


tryed diff pellets

falcon ap seem really group well @ both 25 and 35 mtrs 590ish fps but low to mid 10 lb/ft (light 13.43) ok to hunt with ???????


rws domes ok at 25/30 mtr then open up..... 570ish fps


still messing with dif fill 210 bar 26 all avg 11.1 (560fps) ...then the drop

220 fill ...30 @11.2ish then 8 from 10.9 to 10.2 (90 bar left)


again sorry for the nagging but if want best advice go to the source


atb Mark

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As above perfectly adaquate :thumbs:


You dont want a wounding shot, but you WILL get them :yes: We all do even the best of us, we don't like them and we strive to minimize them at all times, but they will happen.


Just be quick with the follow up, by hand at first. I stretch the neck with almost every shot even if I know it's dead before it hit the ground.

Trying to follow up with a second shot on your first wounded quarry puts a heap of pressure on you and your likely to panic (most of did at first) making you more likely to fluff the follow up shot as well.



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No mate hit them in the right place they definitely wont be laughing :laugh:


Yes, those falcon would do the job just fine, you just have to remember that accuracy is going to be the most important thing when shooting at live quarry! As long as you are getting good groups with a pellet it should be fine, no point using a heavier pellet if you cant hit a barn door with it! The only thing i would say tho (I don't have any experience with .22) you may be affected by wind a little more with the lighter pellets mate.


No worries mate its fine i was in the same boat not long ago starting off with my first PCP! Better to learn as much as you can before you take your gun to start shooting at live quarry!


Mike :thumbs:

Edited by Miikee-L
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As above perfectly adaquate :thumbs:


You dont want a wounding shot, but you WILL get them :yes: We all do even the best of us, we don't like them and we strive to minimize them at all times, but they will happen.


Just be quick with the follow up, by hand at first. I stretch the neck with almost every shot even if I know it's dead before it hit the ground.

Trying to follow up with a second shot on your first wounded quarry puts a heap of pressure on you and your likely to panic (most of did at first) making you more likely to fluff the follow up shot as well.



Absolute best advice to anyone new to this game, unfortunately in times of particular mainstream magazines and much talk of amazing 100+ rabbit bags with a single magazine and a pellet that is heat seaking, where they were hit perfectly in the sweet spot every time is all we read and here, we are human at the end if the day, it what we do to correct out errors that counts and with this comes unfortunately a bad day where we will unfortunately wound. But this is part of the hobby we have. It's no different to a tail wrapped fish on the end of a line being pulled in. It's part of life Edited by Craig Fosse
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