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Lancashire Hunting Songs...............

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I rose up one bright Autumn morning ;


My heart was as heavy as lead :


I thought I'd go mope in the garden


But I followed the hounds instead.


To hear the halloo in the valley


You'd ha' thought they were hunting a hare,


But as soon as I heard, I knew better,


'Twas a weary old witch called Care !


At dusk she lay down by my pillow,


At dawn she was haunting me still :


No bell, book and candle could fright her,


No silver bullet could kill :


But she ran from the voice of the huntsman,


She fled from the twang of the horn,


And the sound of the hounds' merry music


Afar on the windy morn.


By fold and by clough and by moorland


We hunted her all the day long,


And I swear that the countryside over


There was never a hare so strong.


Whoop ! tear her ! good hounds, now you've got her !


You thought you were hunting a hare :


But I know all the while that you've rid me


Of a weary old witch called Care !



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