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Sad Start For These Pups.

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Aye and takes an even shorter time to clean it up, specially before u take pics for an advertisement .   Aye and takes an even shorter time to clean it up, specially before YOu take pics for an adve

There is three pics one pups got turd on it..   The lad should sit in there for five mins see how much he enjoys it..   Wants a slap the lazy c**t

C'mon then the coursing lads who is this fella with that breeding from Doncaster .... Normally can't stop you coursing lads crabbing each other so let's have a name ........

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Not all vets are experts on everything, especially behaviour :thumbs:

They are on making money.

Some vets are mate calder vets near me they will rob ya vets for pests, Abbeyhouse all these vets are robbing c**ts but richmond house is the best vests round and i would travel. far an wide to use these mate. Some lads on here will tell you the same hes one of them that you can go at closing time and in the back door if your dogs in a bad way and you dont want jo public looking at ya dog messed up
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Most people with good dogs woulnt need to cull any pups as there would be a list as long as someones arm for pups off such good stuff. Its simple if you have to advertise pups for sale the parents probably arent the best dogs in the world, although many people will argue that. Im not saying they wont be any good dont get me wrong but the idea of culling wat you cant home? Wat a laugh.

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If you breed proper, and put a lot of thought into finding a really good Stud, and have a Bitch, thats a good un, and a good chance of making a good brood Bitch. then the Pups should go,

even as seen on here recently with a big Litter, all have gone, no need for this talk of culling.

In 42 years of hunting Ive only bred two litters, pups i put up for sale, all went really quick, at workingmans price at the time.

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Gorger would know if the Dam was Lucas bred?


even if the bitch out lucas none of his offspring are old enough to breed out of surely? well when i say breed not done enough to warrant breeding from as i said in a earlier post... each to there own but i wouldnt want a pup out a untested bitch cant be no older than 2.....
Who is this lucas dog saluki x greyhound lol. lts a miff this about sire banging good off spring its in the pup or it isnt. Dont get me wrong its nice to have a pup out of a named dog but out there theyll be dogs that would put some of ours to shame. look at jj who won the forley just looks like a box standed lurcher. And lucky did think much of his pups. My pal had dix queen sold her to a fella in durham and we did think much to her.

yeah your right it can be in any pup, but if the parents are tested over 3 or 4 seasons and do well at there job then breed... dont breed out of untested parents... for all we no could be a jacker, if it aint been in the trenches how you no its any good. just my opinion on it. no 2 year old dog or bitch can be properly proven in the field. not in my eyes anyway... lucas... never heard of him :laugh::thumbs:
Breeding your dog at a young age will make your bitch settle down more. They end up grow up in mind and body faster. Ive done it with two of my bitches and both made the grade. The vet told me this that if you leave bitches till middle age they can end up having trouble parting with them somat to do with the pelvis. Same as when bitch comes into season running the bitch can f**k um up.

Never amazes me what I read on here

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