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Sad Start For These Pups.

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I once went round a fellas yard and he had a jack russel in a rabbit hutch, full grown dog,couldnt stand up in the hutch. . . theres sum dirty useless fekkers out there who cant look after themselves never mind the animals they keep.


Mine are spoilt rotten and i dont care admitting it. . .they earn there keep and I repay them as best i can..it my duty.

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Aye and takes an even shorter time to clean it up, specially before u take pics for an advertisement .   Aye and takes an even shorter time to clean it up, specially before YOu take pics for an adve

There is three pics one pups got turd on it..   The lad should sit in there for five mins see how much he enjoys it..   Wants a slap the lazy c**t

C'mon then the coursing lads who is this fella with that breeding from Doncaster .... Normally can't stop you coursing lads crabbing each other so let's have a name ........

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shameful. I worked at a horse stud farm, over 80 horses there all treated like money machines - never groomed, stables only mucked out every other day, almost no exercise, bad feet etc. they also "bred" dogs - by "bred dogs" I mean they had about 30 running about; jack russels, poms, spitz dogs, papilons, Chihuahua & collies they just mated when they liked and whelped in stables or boxes. disgusting over breeding and the owners made a fortune! some of the dogs got kicked by horses or stuck down fox holes and no one cared. one red merle collie bitch had a litter of 5, she was never allowed out of her pen and it was full of shit. she had no teeth and walked round and round in circles all day, I wish i'd let her free before I quit working there...bloody awful how some people treat animals!

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Those pictures are the worst I've seen, can't believ someone is using them in an advert.! Looks more like a poster for animal neglect! Parvo or other nasty viruses or bugs love that sort of set up, however dogs don't and its all in the pups eyes

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Why don't folk let big pups run outside, on grass or in a large pen? Some might not have much space but I don't like to see a litter of pups cooped up in a tiny pen with no stimulation, and especially covered in their own shit! ffs. They should be running riot at that age, exploring, learning... every time I rear, they get run of the farm yard, they make for way cannier, intelligent young dogs.

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  On 15/07/2013 at 12:51, dogs-n-natives said:

Why don't folk let big pups run outside, on grass or in a large pen? Some might not have much space but I don't like to see a litter of pups cooped up in a tiny pen with no stimulation, and especially covered in their own shit! ffs. They should be running riot at that age, exploring, learning... every time I rear, they get run of the farm yard, they make for way cannier, intelligent young dogs.



nowt beats free range pups :victory:

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  On 15/07/2013 at 12:51, dogs-n-natives said:

Why don't folk let big pups run outside, on grass or in a large pen? Some might not have much space but I don't like to see a litter of pups cooped up in a tiny pen with no stimulation, and especially covered in their own shit! ffs. They should be running riot at that age, exploring, learning... every time I rear, they get run of the farm yard, they make for way cannier, intelligent young dogs.



  On 15/07/2013 at 12:55, Hot Meat said:


  On 15/07/2013 at 12:51, dogs-n-natives said:

Why don't folk let big pups run outside, on grass or in a large pen? Some might not have much space but I don't like to see a litter of pups cooped up in a tiny pen with no stimulation, and especially covered in their own shit! ffs. They should be running riot at that age, exploring, learning... every time I rear, they get run of the farm yard, they make for way cannier, intelligent young dogs.



nowt beats free range pups :victory:


you can learn a lot from them aswell by letting them have some freedom

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  On 14/07/2013 at 23:46, Giro said:

attachicon.gifpure shit.jpg


If the lads on here.. clean them up its discusting :censored:





there sad neglected looking pups real shame cos there nice looking pups,even if you only have a small place you make room and you make sure there clean warm wormed and well socialised,which you can see there not,some people only see very big money signs sad on the pups really at such an important time in there lifes

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its says the mum lucus bred, thought there were only young dogs/bitches out of him, couldnt have done enough to warrant breeding from. it dont take a rocket scientist to keep a pen clean and let pups run a garden... if you aint got the room then dont breed :thumbs:

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He should be fed that cement , wait till it hardens and then thumped with a sledge . Went to a guys yard once to look at a lurcher , never saw a sight like it in my life . Poor dogs feet wer burnt raw with piss . Terriers crammed in everywer , one had went blind cause of no light in shed . Went home and gathered up a few mates and went back and cleared the yard .

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