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Best Area To Start Hunting For A Teenager?

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read the title and thought wtf lol

If you have a dog then id begin to walk it more,especially around fields etc.Get on a bus and travel out 10 miles and walk back home,different route every week until you have a comprehensive knowledge

Well done mate its all pie in the sky anyhow, he'll be in jail once the governments computers monitoring key phrase pick up his thread title

  On 14/07/2013 at 19:32, Walesy said:

Sorry for asking all these questions :) . But. What do you think the best area of hunting for a begginer with not a load of money to burn is? Pros and cons of your choice? Thank you very much in advance.

If you have a dog then id begin to walk it more,especially around fields etc.Get on a bus and travel out 10 miles and walk back home,different route every week until you have a comprehensive knowledge of your immediate surrounding area.Whilst slowly walking home you may espy a little worthwhile opportunity.Knock a few likely farms and try and obtain permission,if the permission is not to be had,well?,be discrete and take the opportunitys at hand,leave the land as you find it.

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A dog can walk beside you, a ferret or catapult can be pocketed! A gun can't, so if you get one don't be careless with it - sounds obvious,I know, but I've had a police officer pointing the dangerous end of a Glock at me. (Mistaken identity, but no less terrifying!

Try to hunt out locals who will let you tag along (offer to carry the gear), and try as many 'disciplines' as you can , to see which one suits you.

Whatever you decide, enjoy it!!


Good luck.


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Just get out and about at 1st light. Soon as you are away from the last house & the last unlit road youll probably start to see bits and bobs. Or invest in a 1/2 decent lamp ;)

Bonne chasse.

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