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An Evening "stroll" Up The Fells...

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  On 14/07/2013 at 11:07, D Lloyd said:

nice one andy them dogs must be so fit dont now how a old man can walk so much lol


I walk VERY slowly Dave lol I'm sure you will know what I mean haha

  On 14/07/2013 at 11:25, dytkos said:


  On 14/07/2013 at 10:38, FUJI said:


  On 14/07/2013 at 10:27, Giro said:

Have you ever been up that striding edge ? If you google it stunning pictures. I always fancy that one, dangerous in the wind been a few fatalities on there.

Cracking pics and dogs are looking in top fettle .


No,I was actually looking at all the pics last night when I got home..looks fecking dangerous to me!! I ain't great with heights and from what I was reading the path is only a foot wide in places lol..3000ft up on a "window sill" ain't for me I don't think haha..I will be oing the safe route up there albeit a longer one..loads of folk killed up there like you say..nigh on everyone says it doesn't matter what the weather is like down below its always 50 or 60mph up there? Makes it even more a definite no-no for me lol..looks real scary shit..f**k knows what you do if you bump into someone coming the other way on those real narrow stretches? Going in reverse doesn't seem a very good idea haha..let me know what it's like after you've been mate lol


My godfather (who used to take me up the Lakes Youth Hostelling as a lad) had a heart attack and

died on Hellvellyn about 20 years ago :cray:


Cheers, D.


Bloody hell D that is sad matey..sounded a decent fella taking the time out to let you tag along on his ventures..sorry to hear what happened...

  On 14/07/2013 at 12:51, salukixgrey said:

dogs looking great fuji, me and the missus are going to have a week end up the lake district soon with the mutts. never been but really looking forward to it, dont no if she will handle the walking thou :laugh: she stuggles with the local walks on the downs. i got a pup out razors brother pip and he reminds me of fife are get a few pics up when hes grown abit.


If your heading to the Northern Lakes let me know mate and I'd be happy to have a wander out with you guys...

  On 14/07/2013 at 13:00, NEWKID said:

Dogs looking good Andy, and the scenery is stunning...that high path walk sound a bit much though.. I took a mate a long a high coastal path near Lynmouth ( north Devon), I didn't know how bad he was with heights he was basically crawling at times... I tried to be supportive through the laughter and piss taking lol

The basically crawling lol just about sums me up to :-( I just try and not look down...the old blurred vision,dizziness & PANIC set in otherwise haha...that is why Striding Edge can sit and sing lol...well atleast for the time being :-)

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  On 14/07/2013 at 10:46, Giro said:

I need to find someone daft enough to go with lol. Lad at works been before it's pinning him down to go again. Would prefer to go with someone that's experienced. I don't want to become a death statistic. Good page on Facebook wainwrights walks could put them to shame with some of your pictures. If I get there I will definitely take a camera might leave the dogs are home stupid fuckers might go over the edge lol

I think that would be sensible taking someone with you..well unless they were a liability to themselves or you up there..quite a lot of the stories I read online about people's climbs over Striding Edge were of being in a group with an experienced guide/leader ..and again I think the dogs no matter how well trained would be best left at home..bollox to having them knock someone off the path or worse still yourself!! It looks awesome in the snow/ice but I reckon that's for the real crag rats and not us hikers..if you go definately take your camera :-)

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  On 14/07/2013 at 13:28, FUJI said:


  On 14/07/2013 at 10:46, Giro said:

I need to find someone daft enough to go with lol. Lad at works been before it's pinning him down to go again. Would prefer to go with someone that's experienced. I don't want to become a death statistic. Good page on Facebook wainwrights walks could put them to shame with some of your pictures. If I get there I will definitely take a camera might leave the dogs are home stupid fuckers might go over the edge lol

I think that would be sensible taking someone with you..well unless they were a liability to themselves or you up there..quite a lot of the stories I read online about people's climbs over Striding Edge were of being in a group with an experienced guide/leader ..and again I think the dogs no matter how well trained would be best left at home..bollox to having them knock someone off the path or worse still yourself!! It looks awesome in the snow/ice but I reckon that's for the real crag rats and not us hikers..if you go definately take your camera :-)



Aye the winter pics look epic..


Yeah definetly want some to show me the way :laugh:


I would end up walking the wrong mountain :laugh:





Bloody hell sad about your Uncle D.. The Air ambulance is one charity I dont mind chucking in for :victory:

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  On 14/07/2013 at 14:29, pritch said:

dogs are looking well andy they seem to have evened out pretty similar in build

or is it just the pics i seem to remember the black un being more solid as a pup

Hey up Pritch,they are about the same height but I weighed them the day they were 9 months old and the cream pup was 58 1/2lb & the black & tan was 66 1/2lb ..they will be what they will be mate...I ain't as fussy as a woman when it comes to size lol

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  On 14/07/2013 at 14:31, theman said:

Love the little terrier its feet must be killing after all that walking

It's a Pomeranian x matey lol..ain't a clue what's in her exactly but I ain't EVER seen it totally knackered..took her& the pups out 22 times on the Fells and walked 211 mile! plus my other half walks her at night..one day last week I walked over 21 miles over the Fells with the dogs,when our lass went to walk them that night the lurchers were flat out but Ruby the Pom x was eager to go lol..done another 6 miles so 27 miles in one day she done..she will be 7 in September so hopefully she will be tagging along for a few years yet :-)

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  On 14/07/2013 at 14:34, FUJI said:


  On 14/07/2013 at 14:29, pritch said:

dogs are looking well andy they seem to have evened out pretty similar in build

or is it just the pics i seem to remember the black un being more solid as a pup

Hey up Pritch,they are about the same height but I weighed them the day they were 9 months old and the cream pup was 58 1/2lb & the black & tan was 66 1/2lb ..they will be what they will be mate...I ain't as fussy as a woman when it comes to size lol


there doesn't look that much difference in the pics as you say they will be what they be nowt you can do about

that, they certainly should be fit lol this season will tell hope they do well matey might get up for the show in

sept if i'm not at lloydys that week

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  On 14/07/2013 at 13:18, FUJI said:


  On 14/07/2013 at 11:07, D Lloyd said:

nice one andy them dogs must be so fit dont now how a old man can walk so much lol


I walk VERY slowly Dave lol I'm sure you will know what I mean haha

  On 14/07/2013 at 11:25, dytkos said:


  On 14/07/2013 at 10:38, FUJI said:


  On 14/07/2013 at 10:27, Giro said:

Have you ever been up that striding edge ? If you google it stunning pictures. I always fancy that one, dangerous in the wind been a few fatalities on there.

Cracking pics and dogs are looking in top fettle .

No,I was actually looking at all the pics last night when I got home..looks fecking dangerous to me!! I ain't great with heights and from what I was reading the path is only a foot wide in places lol..3000ft up on a "window sill" ain't for me I don't think haha..I will be oing the safe route up there albeit a longer one..loads of folk killed up there like you say..nigh on everyone says it doesn't matter what the weather is like down below its always 50 or 60mph up there? Makes it even more a definite no-no for me lol..looks real scary shit..f**k knows what you do if you bump into someone coming the other way on those real narrow stretches? Going in reverse doesn't seem a very good idea haha..let me know what it's like after you've been mate lol


My godfather (who used to take me up the Lakes Youth Hostelling as a lad) had a heart attack and

died on Hellvellyn about 20 years ago :cray:


Cheers, D.


Bloody hell D that is sad matey..sounded a decent fella taking the time out to let you tag along on his ventures..sorry to hear what happened...

  On 14/07/2013 at 12:51, salukixgrey said:

dogs looking great fuji, me and the missus are going to have a week end up the lake district soon with the mutts. never been but really looking forward to it, dont no if she will handle the walking thou :laugh: she stuggles with the local walks on the downs. i got a pup out razors brother pip and he reminds me of fife are get a few pics up when hes grown abit.


If your heading to the Northern Lakes let me know mate and I'd be happy to have a wander out with you guys...

  On 14/07/2013 at 13:00, NEWKID said:

Dogs looking good Andy, and the scenery is stunning...that high path walk sound a bit much though.. I took a mate a long a high coastal path near Lynmouth ( north Devon), I didn't know how bad he was with heights he was basically crawling at times... I tried to be supportive through the laughter and piss taking lol

The basically crawling lol just about sums me up to :-( I just try and not look down...the old blurred vision,dizziness & PANIC set in otherwise haha...that is why Striding Edge can sit and sing lol...well atleast for the time being :-)


o yes lol

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  On 14/07/2013 at 14:05, Giro said:


  On 14/07/2013 at 13:28, FUJI said:


  On 14/07/2013 at 10:46, Giro said:

I need to find someone daft enough to go with lol. Lad at works been before it's pinning him down to go again. Would prefer to go with someone that's experienced. I don't want to become a death statistic. Good page on Facebook wainwrights walks could put them to shame with some of your pictures. If I get there I will definitely take a camera might leave the dogs are home stupid fuckers might go over the edge lol

I think that would be sensible taking someone with you..well unless they were a liability to themselves or you up there..quite a lot of the stories I read online about people's climbs over Striding Edge were of being in a group with an experienced guide/leader ..and again I think the dogs no matter how well trained would be best left at home..bollox to having them knock someone off the path or worse still yourself!! It looks awesome in the snow/ice but I reckon that's for the real crag rats and not us hikers..if you go definately take your camera :-)



Aye the winter pics look epic..


Yeah definetly want some to show me the way :laugh:


I would end up walking the wrong mountain :laugh:





Bloody hell sad about your Uncle D.. The Air ambulance is one charity I dont mind chucking in for :victory:


Thanks fellas, he was a top chap, a professor at Warwick University, went all over The Americas at a time when the farthest most people we knew went was a day trip to Calais LOL.


He was the successful one in our family :thumbs:

He was actually my mums cousin and got me into walking long distances - 15-20 miles was a long walk when your 11 or 12 LOL


Cheers, D.

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