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Couple Of Crows

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Visited the family farm today and took the HMR. I hadn't checked zero for a while so that was the first job. First shot was used as the aim point with the next three forming a very tidy group at 98 yards




Twenty minutes later I spotted two crows on a dry-stone wall 90 and 100 yards away. I could tell these were relatively young crows both by their size and my ability to get within range of them. Resting on another wall I let rip two shots, whacking each of them one after the other.


First crows since purchasing the Anschutz 1517. It takes no prisoners



Edited by Elliott
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nice rifle. I had good success with yearlings this weekend with hi powered air.


just setting up a new cz452 hmr and wondering if anchutz are more accurate than cz's

I think they are all pretty similar and its largely down to two things:


1. Ammo batches

2. Personal preference


ATB :thumbs:

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