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Fist Harris Hawk today

Guest foxyforce1

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Guest foxyforce1

Yeah, ive actually flown a harris for about six months but he belonged to my employer and was a semi trained bird when i took him on so this is my first bird from scratch, the day he flys off my fist will be a proud one!



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Guest shaheen
You hear about these hawks that are feeding off the fist on day one etc and how did i know mines wasnt going to be one of them! lol Hes alot calmer anyway so thats progress enough for me so far.



Now im going to sound a smart arse but:

Most of them hawk's are falcons put into hack pens which seem to be the "in" thing.A hawk/falcon that been reared by its parents and then put in to an enclosed flying aviary fed on large amount of food will be FAT and heavy. The weight will be high and the metabolism in the hawk would quite low.

This means that the hawk/falcon or whatever would have to be cut right down weight for a period of time to reach a flying weight, then it will have to be flown and exercised and the weight should go upto its fit hunting weight etc.

A hack pen makes them fly and makes them fit, their energy needs will be high. These falcons are'nt fat they are lean and very fit. Their weights will already be at a flying weight and with fitness and high metabolism they will start feeding from the fist within the first two days of the training.

For eg i had a pen hacked 3/4 Gyr x 1/4 Saker female that hunted at 2oz more than when she came from the pen and fed on the first evening,my new Saker was from a seclusion chamber and took five day's to feed from the fist properly :thumbs:

Hope that helps


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