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Bbc Wildlife Patrol

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Is the BBC capable of making a wildlife program in Great Britain that is accurate and professional, tonight's episode contain so many errors it was a joke and most made by the police wildlife unit and more worrying there professional counterparts a Dr no less ffs between them and another organisation they couldn't even manage to tell the difference between a sparrow hawk egg and a little owl egg, even more worrying a kestrel that died was kept in an Avery overnight still with its swivel attached, also the Dr has obviously never herd of parent reared raptors as he believed it was a wild bird as it wasn't a screamer :icon_eek: then there was the comment that 2 tail feathers had been deliberately cut, looked more like piss poor imping to me :yes: why is this bollox allowed to be aired to the public :hmm:

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Is the BBC capable of making a wildlife program in Great Britain that is accurate and professional, tonight's episode contain so many errors it was a joke and most made by the police wildlife unit and more worrying there professional counterparts a Dr no less ffs between them and another organisation they couldn't even manage to tell the difference between a sparrow hawk egg and a little owl egg, even more worrying a kestrel that died was kept in an Avery overnight still with its swivel attached, also the Dr has obviously never herd of parent reared raptors as he believed it was a wild bird as it wasn't a screamer :icon_eek: then there was the comment that 2 tail feathers had been deliberately cut, looked more like piss poor imping to me :yes: why is this bollox allowed to be aired to the public :hmm:

I watched the one with the fallow deer here was blaming poachers as soon as I saw the deers legs I said thats through fencing as we see it a lot round here.

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The BBC is driven by A university elite a network of media profesionals who take their advise of commites who engage with the royal veterinarian collage, the rspca and other bodies for their wildlie advise why are you supprised they have not got a clue. And johny comdom is their expert ( kingdom ).

Edited by gonetoearth
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Is the BBC capable of making a wildlife program in Great Britain that is accurate and professional, tonight's episode contain so many errors it was a joke and most made by the police wildlife unit and more worrying there professional counterparts a Dr no less ffs between them and another organisation they couldn't even manage to tell the difference between a sparrow hawk egg and a little owl egg, even more worrying a kestrel that died was kept in an Avery overnight still with its swivel attached, also the Dr has obviously never herd of parent reared raptors as he believed it was a wild bird as it wasn't a screamer :icon_eek: then there was the comment that 2 tail feathers had been deliberately cut, looked more like piss poor imping to me :yes: why is this bollox allowed to be aired to the public :hmm:

I watched the one with the fallow deer here was blaming poachers as soon as I saw the deers legs I said thats through fencing as we see it a lot round here.


same here, it was obviously double topped barbed wire fencing, so why did they not sway the programme to campaign for the outlawing of barbed wire or at least restrict and regulate its use, instead of the usual hunting, illegal traps bollox

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I haven't watched it,,,, but you guys that know these truths,,,, why not send them an email, telling them of there errors,,, and offering your services on the program,,,

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I haven't watched it,,,, but you guys that know these truths,,,, why not send them an email, telling them of there errors,,, and offering your services on the program,,,

i have sent loads to the BBC and they don't want to know, they have there own agenda and that's it :yes:

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I didn't watch it, TBH average evening telly bores the shite out of me, ain't watched it since April..!


I have a strong feeling that 'ol Auntie (BBC) over the next few years will do more harm to hunters and the countryside than any political party.

They have scored massive 'hits' with the sterilised Countryfile and Springwatch programms and will go on in the same vein.... Once, the Beeb was the champion of all things country and rural but now we will become a target... Mark my words... :yes:

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It's a shame they don't do points of view anymore,,, they do a program caled news watch,, it's just 10 min slot on breakfast telly at the weekend,,,, mind that's a waste of time as well,,, I watch it everyweek at work,, and all the complaints that come in,,, they just defend there own reasoning ,,, never seen them say to a complainant,, you right we won't do that anymore

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It's a shame they don't do points of view anymore,,, they do a program caled news watch,, it's just 10 min slot on breakfast telly at the weekend,,,, mind that's a waste of time as well,,, I watch it everyweek at work,, and all the complaints that come in,,, they just defend there own reasoning ,,, never seen them say to a complainant,, you right we won't do that anymore

if they were to do another points of view ,theyd censor every complaint before airing it on air . the bbc are a power unto themselves .i watched one of those bull shit rspca programes a few weeks ago .a deer had been bumped by a car and had a broken front leg and or shoulder .this fat rspca bloke chased it about the road caused it to jump a fence into a garden then dived onto it .the clown commentating then stated .hes now examining the deer to determine how badly hurt she is ..next he says her injuries are to serious so the inspector is going to painlessly put her out of her misery by breaking her neck and wait for it .hes been specifically trained to do this . ffs and theres fatty laid on top of this animal in agony with multiple fractures and hes sweating and struggling twisting this deers head around to break its neck .it must have been in agony and terrified .And a vet only a phone call away .if joe public had done this . theyd be screaming for a jail sentence . bosun 11 post is spot on .the bbc are one of our biggest enemies.

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Is the BBC capable of making a wildlife program in Great Britain that is accurate and professional, tonight's episode contain so many errors it was a joke and most made by the police wildlife unit and more worrying there professional counterparts a Dr no less ffs between them and another organisation they couldn't even manage to tell the difference between a sparrow hawk egg and a little owl egg, even more worrying a kestrel that died was kept in an Avery overnight still with its swivel attached, also the Dr has obviously never herd of parent reared raptors as he believed it was a wild bird as it wasn't a screamer :icon_eek: then there was the comment that 2 tail feathers had been deliberately cut, looked more like piss poor imping to me :yes: why is this bollox allowed to be aired to the public :hmm:

I watched the one with the fallow deer here was blaming poachers as soon as I saw the deers legs I said thats through fencing as we see it a lot round here.


That episode set the tone for the rest of the series,poachers were mentioned throughout the programme before they found out it was wire,which they obviously knew before the programme went to editing,yet the BBC and another college educated no feck all went for the shock factor with no factual basis.Even Bill Oddie,the little fat mental anti,based his reasonings on actual facts and learnt knowledge,the twat that fronts this programme is just plain lacking in the knowledge to carry such a programme,never stopped the beeb from trawling for a receptive audience.

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