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Guillotine And Nash Mole Traps

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A farmer wanted me to go round some silage fields,(after the first cut ).He drives up to meet me, ( in the quad) as i was walking,one of them.He pulls out from a bucket,this 'big thing' of a mole trap, and says, " I had one in the garden,and had a go with this.Had no luck, but got him with this other one " He then pulls out another ' monster ' of a trap ,with the mole in it ! I had recognised them both, from photos in books, etc.I asks " where on earth did you pick them up from ? , cause i think they are both American type traps ". " from a mail order catalogue " he says.

Edited by earth-thrower
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i have a nash in my collection, they are a beast, when YOu consider a nash and a trapline are both for trapping moles, theres also a talpirid, google it, another beast of a trap, i actually caught a mole in a talpirid

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Interesting Moley,I couldnt get over the size of it ,also.Are the moles over there,much bigger than ours,or what ? That other one he had,theres 'spikes' on it , that actually ' spear ' the mole.He actually 'gifted' me it, but i told him ,i dont think i will be using it. LOL

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i have a nash in my collection, they are a beast, when u consider a nash and a trapline are both for trapping moles, theres also a talpirid, google it, another beast of a trap, i actually caught a mole in a talpirid

Forgot to say, he caught the mole, in the " nash".

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Interesting Moley,I couldnt get over the size of it ,also.Are the moles over there,much bigger than ours,or what ? That other one he had,theres 'spikes' on it , that actually ' spear ' the mole.He actually 'gifted' me it, but i told him ,i dont think i will be using it. LOL

harpoon trap :laugh:

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As traps for moles are exempt from the Spring Trap Approval Orders, they are perfectly legal for use against moles in the UK :thumbs:

Thanks for clearing that up, Matt.Setting a trap thats going to stab,or impale a mole,is not for me.I just wondered how this squared, with the wild mammals protection act.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Are we sure that the Victor type trap is legal? I was always under the assumption that 'impale' type traps are illegal. ??


‘mutilate, kick, beat, nail or otherwise impale, stab, burn, stone, crush, drown, drag or asphyxiate any wild mammal (including deer) with intent to inflict unnecessary suffering’ being the wording.

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