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A Walk In The Wheat.

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Yo airgunners, I was on my way to a BBQ the other evening and decided to take a detour past a wheat field I look after, but as I got near to the field the mrs started to get suspicious. You'd better not have that f**kin 100 in the boot she shrieked, no darling, I havn't (I wish) :D As I sneaked past as slow as I could, to have a look down the hedge side, I could make out the little brown figures hugging the shade of the hedge, I'll be back I muttered in a Anold Shwarzenegger voice :laugh: My sense of humour was lost on the mrs, she probably thought we were going to be late for another doo due to a detour to, a field, as she calls them, cant blame her I suppose, not everyones Idea of a hobby, murdering rabbits, I mean, what would you do without a hobby, what would you spend all day at work thinking about, how would you get to sleep at night if you didn't count rabbits :laugh: So to put things right, I went for a wander round the said field, with out her indoors :thumbs: I could see the bunnies sat in the shade, the problem was that they could see me too, which was a bit of a b****rd from a whacking them point of view, and just then I had a Boldrick moment, I had a cunning plan ;) As I looked across the field, I noticed the wheelings ran up to the hedge where the shady rabbits were sat, well nearly, so could I get near enough to them by walking down the wheelings? You bet I could, or at least with in shooting distance, so off I set, every six wheelings put me with in a comfortable shooting range either side when I popped up out of the wheat. To say the little f**kers weren't playing ball was an understatement, first pop up, and nowt there, but it looked promising further down. Second popp up, and one of the slippery furry gits saw me and it was gone, Mmmmmm! Third pop up, and whack! My cunning plan started to look like it was very cunning :yes: As I moved to the fourth pop up I heard thumping, ah! sh@t I thought. On to the fifth pop up, and this is what I did all the way down to the bottom of the field, I whacked another under the hedge, and another at the bottom of the field, just over a barbed wire fence, I hate barbed wire. Half way over and I'm caught, grabbing a handful of pants I pull for a clean release, but it rarely happens does it. B****cks! ripped the knackers out of another pair of light weights, will it sow, will it f**k, couldn't have just been the stitching could it :censored:




Ah! If anyone wants to buy me a present, you know what I need :laugh:


On to the EODP.




So I pulled out a carrier bag to put my bodies in, just the bag I thought :thumbs:




Keep at them you lead flingers! :D

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Yo airgunners, I was on my way to a BBQ the other evening and decided to take a detour past a wheat field I look after, but as I got near to the field the mrs started to get suspicious. You'd better

Hey! If it doesn't say HW on your gun, its a girls gun

Enjoyable little read   Good tactics hahahaha with the pressure of the mrs near by too!!!   Atb Stu

your lucky my fields are planted right up to the hedge there's plenty of bunny's there but can you see them? can you fek!.... its just a waiting game now ...soon the murdering will begin!.... well done stealthy you done good.







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  On 08/07/2013 at 01:12, Daz 7 said:

Nice shooting Sir Stealthy ;)


And that's a Close one on the Rip :o, To near the Crown Jewels there bud.


atvb Daz 7.



Good job I only hung up camo's and not my jockies aswell, or the screams may have been heard for miles :laugh:



  On 08/07/2013 at 08:24, Skot Ruthless Teale said:

Your a funny guy stealthy in sat in mcdonalds litteraly laughing out loud. Bet i look a right numpty.

Best line was how can you sleep if you dont count rabbits.. had me in stitches mate!!


Good shooting hope you stuck them on the barbie?!


The rabbits are but a ferret burp now :laugh:

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  On 08/07/2013 at 18:45, stealthy1 said:


  On 08/07/2013 at 18:39, ArchieHood said:

Calm down lads, hes a HW100 owner..........................he aint got no balls. :toast:


Hey! If it doesn't say HW on your gun, its a girls gun :laugh:


HW............... :hmm:





















.............Her Weapon :tongue2:

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  On 08/07/2013 at 18:49, ArchieHood said:


  On 08/07/2013 at 18:45, stealthy1 said:


  On 08/07/2013 at 18:39, ArchieHood said:

Calm down lads, hes a HW100 owner..........................he aint got no balls. :toast:


Hey! If it doesn't say HW on your gun, its a girls gun :laugh:


HW............... :hmm:





















.............Her Weapon :tongue2:



His Whacker! :laugh:

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