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:clapper: Oh, that's f**king brilliant, 'Meat! Now, just prepare yeself for some viciously early starts, mate! Those peeps tend to like hitting the dawn. Spoke to my boss, today. Reckons he was out at 04:30 this morning! :icon_eek:


Now I'm able to work alone, I just set my traps as the kettle boils. When ever that is.


I'm already gagging to hear how ye get on. It'd be great to follow your own experiences from here on in :boogy: Please do stay in touch (PM's fine too, obviously) and I want a blow by blow account! :D

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dawn aint so much an early start pete, more of a late finish :D i have always had a wierd sleep pattern, so im blessed with seeing the sunrise most mornings. ill deffo let you know how i get on, im deffo going to get involved, might end up just lending a hand but i really like the idea of using the mist nets an traps an catching some birds on me own, an then being able to let them go. itll be completly diffrent to what i do, most my usual catch goes to game dealers an dog food, so being able to return them to the wild will be somthing special to behold, well atleast to me it will :D thanks again :thumbs:

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