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Early Morning

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Well my alarm is set for 3.30am and want to be on water by 4.30am.. Off bass fishing for the first time of the season with the rods, i will catch my own sand eel with the seine net...ill get some vid of the seining and hopfully with some bass, and of course some videos of the lovely view from where ill be fishing. CWN-HELA

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This morning started well, sea was flat as it could be and sun rising on the NE, soon it was light enough to put the seine net out for the sand eels, first pull was ok had a good 40-50 not bad eel, as there was 3 fishing to day we done another pull, this time we had well enough 2 be on our way, so back to the pick up and keep the net.( save a bit of weight ). so we set off doing about 26-28 knots after traveling for 10min,and nearly reaching the fishing ground, my brother decided to put a downer on the morning by saying he hadd left his fags in the pick up, i was not happy i told him to do with out, but nope he had 2 have his fags. after all the shit we where soon on the firt mark and anchored up at 5.45am it took at good 15-20min be for the tide picked up and the first bass was in the boat, my brother and soon after there was another. after sitting and waiting it was soon my turn a landed 3 bass and all under size so back they go, and my youngest brother got 2 mackerel. we sat on the mark for another good hour and nothing showed.. we moved off and done some driffting,my brother was soon in to a nice 3lb ( he used a float ) which i never knew he put on.lol.. after a few drift covering a lot of ground it was soon 10am.. well my youngest brother all he could think about was food and he thin like a rizzla,lol we ended up going to a caffi on the beach and got sausage egg bap's with a tea,it was well worth it..[BANNED TEXT] it was time 2 do some searious fishing it had came up 2 high slack as where ready 2 drop the anchor on top of the reef, i could see a huge shole coming straight for us with bass turning every where an white bait jumping all over, well there was lines flying every where on the boat, and we where soon hitting them left, right and center, as you do rushing i had a 2.5 - 3lb and the dame thing shook the hook at the edge of the boat ( oh well ) there was a few boats coming round us all trying there luck but it was us still pulling them out, then BANG i had a good take it bent rod over and started shacking its head this bad boy went deep an shook it head well, and the look on the other people face was a picture HAHAHA i soon got his head up and making some line on him he was still tacking drag, as you do with fish like this you let them do wat they want, any way i soon got him up and he was in the net, i would say my self its about 4 - 4.5lb, at this point we all lost count who caught how meany lol, then we hit one fish and that made the number up to 14bass. as it was high water now and the tide was ripping through there nothing showing, the next 2.5 hours was very boring moving around trying all sorts.. By this time the tide had droped a lot a slowed down, so we went back 2 where we hit the fish, as we aproched the place the bass where smashing in to the sand eel and white bait, out went the lines and down went the anchor, well it was seconds entill my brother was in with 1 bass and soon after with the second, at this time the eel's in the drum, didnt have much life in them and the bass wasnt hitting them hard and missed a few, we ended up landing another 3 fish and called it a day at 4.30pm we ended up landing 19bass and a burnt face.lol.


there will be a few pic and vid to follow.



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sounds a cracking day mate, i went shore fishing yesterday and really struggled lol ended up i caught to small flaties and the two lads i went with blanked :cray:

Same here Ant,

Me and the lad had a couple of hours with the live eels off of the back beach on Friday evening, not a touch...

Yesterday we made a last minute decision to head to Cornwall for the afternoon, I grabbed the spinning rod and a box of lures, I couldn't get Fin out of the water but I wandered round the rocks for an hour or so near the top of the tide spinning with jellies and tried a dexter wedge but not a touch...

Nice to read about someone hitting into them, though..

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sounds a cracking day mate, i went shore fishing yesterday and really struggled lol ended up i caught to small flaties and the two lads i went with blanked :cray:

At least it wasnt a blank, plenty of time left in the year.

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Might head out. This week You fish the swillys cwn


i use to, you dont have long fishing inn there, and big tides there is a helova run. its good for the big fish.ill be out my self, if the wind stay down..the early morning tides are a pain, they will be ok by wednesday.CWN-HELA

Edited by CWN-HELA
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