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Decoying Uk

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A CZ Varmint in .22... a common enough rifle but i was after one with really nice wood as you see them from time to time with borderline exhibition grade stocks :yes: They basically pulled a blinder and found one with a gorgeous tiger striped grain through it :notworthy: although the barrel length was longer that i wanted. They arranged for the 20" barrel to be cut down and threaded to 17" for me which is a job that i was initially nervous about with the workmanship is spot on.


Really friendly and honest blokes and they've done me proud. I'll get some pics up of the stock.. its just what i was looking for. :gunsmilie:


Cheers lads :victory:

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it's hard to beat a professional outfit at the end of the day.. those who go out of their way to help.

i ordered from an outfit in england a deer drag harness. september last year the credit card was deducted and after 3 weeks i made a call after

a hell of a lot of e-mails (which were never ansewered) :angry:

i called to find out where my harness was only to be told they had none in stock....

it arrived mon 20/8/2007...........service or what :no:

well done to the guy's of target sports for a swift service........................... :blink:

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it's hard to beat a professional outfit at the end of the day.. those who go out of their way to help.

i ordered from an outfit in england a deer drag harness. september last year the credit card was deducted and after 3 weeks i made a call after

a hell of a lot of e-mails (which were never ansewered) :angry:

i called to find out where my harness was only to be told they had none in stock....

it arrived mon 20/8/2007...........service or what :no:

well done to the guy's of target sports for a swift service........................... :blink:




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