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Shot Size And Choke Preference Poll

Shot Size & Choke Preference  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Which shot size would you normally use for feathered game or pigeon sized birds?

    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
  2. 2. Which choke would you normally choose/use as a first barrel shot?

    • Cylinder
    • Improved Cylinder
    • 1/4
    • 3/8
    • 1/2
    • 5/8
    • 3/4
    • Full
    • Extra Full

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Following on from another thread, the old shot size and choke debate is still a hot topic as I'm sure it always will be.


To show just how varied or common a particular choice is, I thought we'd have a poll,


If everyone is honest and plenty of people vote, we could have some interesting trends,


SS :thumbs:

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As I have said previously, improved cylinder for everything, obviously a change in shot size/type dependent on the quarry,lets face it most quarry is shot at 25- 40 yards so why hinder yourself with a tight pattern,modern plastic wad cartridges especially wildfowling cartridges deliver a reasonably tight pattern,anyway, I may do a little (not particularly scientific) experiment and take a tight choke with me next time I am pigeon shooting, then change half way through and note the difference, but I think I already know the result. ;)

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Its going to depend on your typical range to target.


I personally use 32gr No:6 from a high velocity cartridge such as Gamebore Clear Pigeon (I like HV cartridges) and 1/2 and 3/4 and fibre wads as it creates less problems with plastic waste. Nothing like an anrgy farmer who's animal has been to the vets with an ingested plastic wadding. Keeping a clean shoot is very important to me so all spent cartridges go home in the pocket. You keep far more shoots that way!


For fox, I've always liked Gamebore Mammoth High Bird Load in 42gr although it seems they don't make this anymore only magnum 50gr (not bought any in a long time).


Edited so as to avoid biasing the poll with my opinion.

Edited by Alsone
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I quite agree, and if shooting a lot ie decoying pigeons/crows, I will always opt for fibre wads, and yes always pick spent shells up (when you can find them :icon_redface: semi auto shooters take note) let it also be remembered that although most modern o/u and semi auto guns will be multi choke, there are thousands and thousands of shooters out there shooting with fixed choke s/s and to a lesser degree o/u generally most game guns will be choked something along the lines of imp/half quarter/half so unless the back trigger is pulled first the first shot will almost always be with the most open choking, so it will be interesting to see the results of the poll when the shooters with fixed choke guns vote.

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i always have my over and under set to fire the top barrel first (dont no why i just do lol) i have 1/2 choke in the top and 3/4 in the bottom and i use eley pigeon 32g 6 1/2s for everything from pigeon and crows to rabbits and squirrels and when game shooting i use eley vip in 32g 5s but i dont really have a favorite non toxic load for ducks but regardless of what im shooting and where i am i always use the same chokes, i used to play around with them working out what i was shooting at what ranges and what loads i was shooting etc had a little table drawn up and everything lol and eventually realised its more to do with what you have confidence in.

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choke: i never really change i just keep the same in and adapt to the range of the bird etc. wont work for everyone but works fine for me. not like you can keep changing as a pigeion flys over the hide.


shot: tried loads but im happy now i use the eley 32 gram 5. nout worse than a big puff of feathers and no kill!!

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I have half choke in both barrels of the o/u and half in the auto, it's a good all rnd choke and for me if you stick to the same choke you learn to shoot more consistent, def for clays, same choke and cartridges every week and after that learn to point the gun in the right place! For game I normally use black gold 32g 6's in fibre, pigeons I use hull superfast 27g 7.5's fibre that I use for clays, same half chokes and never have a problem with clean kills!

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