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A Few Pictures, Zeroing My .22Lr

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I just zeroed my new cz452 .22lr and thought i would share my results and post a few pics...




Heres zeroed at 45m (50yards)




Heres another at 45m (50yards)




Then at 60m (65yards) with 1 milidot hold over




Then 75m (82yards) with 2 milidots holding over




These are the 40grain winchester subs....




And finally the result of a scaffold board which the subs were ripping through at 75m (82yards).



There was a slight breeze but overall very happy with the groupings for my first attempt........But welcome any advice....



Edited by DeerhoundLurcherMan
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great pics,nice rifle there and for a sub 22lr good groups.

nice shooting, i tried those winnie in my cz.. didnt like them   i found the eleys much better, but looks like your groups are fine   hopefully soon we will have some hunting photos

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Well done, you would expect your group to open up as the range increases. Your group at 75m is not tight enough for reliable and humane head shots on rabbits but that is not a criticism of your shooting just a limit of .22lr. At that point the .17hmr takes over very nicely.


Do shoot some targets at close range, even as close as 10m. You never know what you are going to come across in the field and you could find yourself surprisingly off target.


If you get a chance, still try other ammunition. Just purchase a single box to see how it works in your gun. Do not change the zero, it does not matter where the bullets land (as long as they are somewhere on the target :yes:) you are just seeing how tightly they group. Maybe do that test at 75m as you want to see if they are any better than your Winchester subs. As long as you do not change your zero it will not affect your use of Winchester subs.


I am sure you enjoyed your shooting and feel well chuffed. Excellent.

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You'll be pleased with that compared to the results you were getting on your other post?

That's looking very respectable.



Indeed I am, them stingers had me worried! but after much research on the web 99% of shooters say they are not worth the extra velocity and power with the trade off being not as accurate and much louder. So I will concentrate my efforts on perfecting the use of subs.

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Well done, you would expect your group to open up as the range increases. Your group at 75m is not tight enough for reliable and humane head shots on rabbits but that is not a criticism of your shooting just a limit of .22lr. At that point the .17hmr takes over very nicely.


Do shoot some targets at close range, even as close as 10m. You never know what you are going to come across in the field and you could find yourself surprisingly off target.


If you get a chance, still try other ammunition. Just purchase a single box to see how it works in your gun. Do not change the zero, it does not matter where the bullets land (as long as they are somewhere on the target :yes:) you are just seeing how tightly they group. Maybe do that test at 75m as you want to see if they are any better than your Winchester subs. As long as you do not change your zero it will not affect your use of Winchester subs.


I am sure you enjoyed your shooting and feel well chuffed. Excellent.

I agree, I was thinking the same last night I would only be confident to shoot accurately up to 60m (for now anyway).


I will try out some other similar ammo perhaps some eleys. Understood fully about not adjusting the scope, just trying for better grouping. It will be interesting to see if I get good groups at 75m. (will report my findings).


I will also try some shorter distances with the winnies.



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Well done, you would expect your group to open up as the range increases. Your group at 75m is not tight enough for reliable and humane head shots on rabbits but that is not a criticism of your shooting just a limit of .22lr. At that point the .17hmr takes over very nicely.


Do shoot some targets at close range, even as close as 10m. You never know what you are going to come across in the field and you could find yourself surprisingly off target.


If you get a chance, still try other ammunition. Just purchase a single box to see how it works in your gun. Do not change the zero, it does not matter where the bullets land (as long as they are somewhere on the target :yes:) you are just seeing how tightly they group. Maybe do that test at 75m as you want to see if they are any better than your Winchester subs. As long as you do not change your zero it will not affect your use of Winchester subs.


I am sure you enjoyed your shooting and feel well chuffed. Excellent.

I agree, I was thinking the same last night I would only be confident to shoot accurately up to 60m (for now anyway).


I will try out some other similar ammo perhaps some eleys. Understood fully about not adjusting the scope, just trying for better grouping. It will be interesting to see if I get good groups at 75m. (will report my findings).


I will also try some shorter distances with the winnies.





It's a .22lr kicking out circa 100ft lb with Winchesters, (these have a BIG HP and expand well, and commonly impart all their energy in the quarry), it isn't a 12ft lb air rifle, put one of these in a bunny "almost" wherever you like and it falls down, and it doesn't count to 100 and get up again!


Just the same, practise and try as much ammo as you can to see what works best for you/rifle/quarry!


Many like the Eley, it is no more accurate in either of my .22lr than any other ammo, and the HP is very small and gives little expansion, so overall a poor performer for me!


Accuracy and good groups are useful, but not the whole story, terminal ballistics are not given enough thought by many, and shooting at targets 10-20-50 whatever yards away, is NOT Field work, and the Blue Mist doesn't rise on target as it does on live quarry!


ATB! :thumbs:

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Thanks for your input Deker, so are you saying that head shots are not crucial and that my groups at 75m are good enough for body shots?




Of course there not! You need to know the anatomy of your target species of course, don't just go throwing bullets at the body mass. Although as the calibre/energy/bullet type become more destructive even that can be allowed at times!


For instance...... one bullet...........


That is not a shotgun, it is one round from a .243 and as we picked it up, for clarity it is/was an adult rabbit, the rest of it is spread over several counties!



What is important is stopping the quarry/pest species, head shots on some animals are positively frowned on, deer for example; except by the Game dealers of course. If you want your rabbits for the table or your Game dealer, head shots are preferable, but in the simple Pest Control world removal is the word not pleasantries!


There is a suggestion that 3-4ft lb in the head will kill a rabbit, so what do you think around 100ft lb of expanding 40g, .22lr will do punching a massive hole through the lungs and heart, (possibly expanding to about 3 times original size and delivery all its energy). Or the Texas heart shot, frowned on by some but trust me it works!


Take the shot that you are comfortable with and as confident as you can be will stop the quarry, with a .22lr and bunnies that certainly does not mean waiting for a head shot every time! :thumbs:

Edited by Deker
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I was thinking about a .22LR but my .17 HMR is brill.


What's the advantages of .22LR over .17 HMR?



Cheaper Ammo.

Bit less damage to carcase if you are planning on using them.


Sure there will be more, but that's the main ones for me. :thumbs:

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nice shooting, i tried those winnie in my cz.. didnt like them


i found the eleys much better, but looks like your groups are fine :thumbs:


hopefully soon we will have some hunting photos :thumbs:

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Mate if you don't mid me asking how much did your set up knock you ??


I am waiting to get LR and will be looking to buy one soon.


I would be happy with that zeroing :victory:

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