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rabbit skins

Guest tony.p.

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Guest tony.p.

i no this may be a daft thing to ask but do any of you sell rabbit skins? and who buys them. Y i ask is a lad i sort of no was on about he sells his skins was just woundering if he was chatting sh~t :signthankspin:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Indeed, Martin. And, as one who's meddled in Taxidermy, with a particular slant towards skin preservation, I can assure the unwary that messing with rabbit skins - without knowing the correct techniques - isn't worth fifty f*cking pence to Anyone!


In fact, if that eight quid guy's selling properly suaeded bun skins? Knowing what - and how much Hard - work goes into that process? Well; F*cked if I'd sell them so cheaply! :icon_eek:

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Indeed, Martin. And, as one who's meddled in Taxidermy, with a particular slant towards skin preservation, I can assure the unwary that messing with rabbit skins - without knowing the correct techniques - isn't worth fifty f*cking pence to Anyone!


In fact, if that eight quid guy's selling properly suaeded bun skins? Knowing what - and how much Hard - work goes into that process? Well; F*cked if I'd sell them so cheaply! :icon_eek:



probably find there cheap chinky fake furs :haha:

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I just coverd mine in salt for ages, went really stiff. Wouldnt want to make a coat out of them but fine for dummys etc.


Yep... know where you're coming from. I salt cured some when i was a lad and they were like cardboard. Tried rubbing them against a concrete post and even took and power drill with a wire brush attachment to them (dad was a bit pissed with that one). Eventually used a wet cure using Alum and salt and a bit of washing powder (can't remember the proportions) and got some relatively supple ones. Trouble was they were thinning coats to summer pleage by the time i figured this out... never really bothered after that. May give it another crack....


(emicons seem to have stopped working for some reason...)

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