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Age Makes A Difference

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I have noticed with my 16 month old pup, that the more he as aged

the more he is coming together, i suppose that would be the norm, but

there has been times when i thought, will this dog ever come right.

After all the training and hard work we put in to our pups, and lets all be honest

at times we could pull our hair out, with frustration, but as stated with age

comes sense, and finally it all starts coming together, my pup has litterally just

started cocking his leg to pee, but i have been really patient with this dog,

where others might have thought i have had enough, because i was nearly there myself,

but ive kept cool, kept on with him, and now he seems a different dog,as if a switch has been turned on. But im so pleased i kept at it. The dog is a Saluki Whippet Greyhound.

My advice to anybody with a dog thats being difficult, just be patient, it will come good

in the end,it is for me,and i am well pleased. :boogy::toast:


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I got a bitch thats 12 months and was always switched on from a young age new exactly what her nose was for and always worked hard but the dog pup I got is 6 months and hasnt got a care in the world some days he will look for rabbits other days he would rather chase and play with the other dogs some mature early some late

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age does make a difference in both dog and handler and the good examples of both will go on learning for years, police dogs, sniffer dogs, guide dogs and the like don't start proper training till they are sometimes 2yr old up till then they are allowed to be pups and learn the basics, manners etc

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