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Fat People

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I partly blame the government ,..............they force feed shite from all this fast food bollocks and then look after them financially ,.................fooking joke ..........

im happy to say im at the weight now what I was when I was playing rugby ,.............pleasant surprise that was in the gym yesterday ,.......still fat tho @ 19 1/2 stone , so bit of work to do .....im only 5 ft 2"

the next generation of kids will be even unhealthier,cause the cost of food and the drop in income for a lot of famlies,all they can afford is shite cheap food.

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your right on genetics, my wife fat so were all her family, we got married 30 years ago when she was 10st, stayed like that for 5 years, had my son (26) and never gone back hell of alot heavier .

It's worse when women "let themselves go". My mrs was 8st exactly when I met her 25 years ago. Now she's 8 1/2 stone. It's the start of a slippery slope. God knows what she'll weigh in another 25 year

i was at the cinema last year in Scarborough on our holidays and we went to go and watch pirates of the carabian, anyway a group of about 6 lasses dressed as pirates came through the door, only one of


ach at end of day how f*****g boring would the world be if we werent all diffrent in some way or other.As long as your happy who gives a shit what others think.


disagree as its us tax payers paying for the fat fuckers...same as the junkies. Its self inflicted? That said i can admit if my child was a drug addict I may feel different and understand not everyone can be strong minded. I dont think their is a solution youll always get greedy fat gits


taxpayers pay for what? or do you mean if they get ill and have to attend hospital? well i dont know the stats but all over weight people dont get ill. so if someone gets pissed out there skull and falls down the stairs and breaks there back they should be treated diffrently cause after all its there fault for being a piss head.

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ach at end of day how f*****g boring would the world be if we werent all diffrent in some way or other.As long as your happy who gives a shit what others think.

Had a few joints mate....... :angel::D

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ach at end of day how f*****g boring would the world be if we werent all diffrent in some way or other.As long as your happy who gives a shit what others think.

Had a few joints mate....... :angel::D


why cause im being resonable lol not had a joint in a while bud.

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my old fella always said marry a fat bird


no f*cker pinches fat birds


its aload of bollocks when statistics say your obese

if your fat you know your fat, simples

a fecking mirror doesn't lie

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you get talking to a fat bird/bloke either way they say the same thing,its a disease, yeah right

I've never heard any overweight person say their weight problem is a disease, what a strange thing to say.. :blink:

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you get talking to a fat bird/bloke either way they say the same thing,its a disease, yeah right

I've never heard any overweight person say their weight problem is a disease, what a strange thing to say.. :blink:


iv heard it said numerous times over the years,that and the usual thyroid problem

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ach at end of day how f*****g boring would the world be if we werent all diffrent in some way or other.As long as your happy who gives a shit what others think.


disagree as its us tax payers paying for the fat fuckers...same as the junkies. Its self inflicted? That said i can admit if my child was a drug addict I may feel different and understand not everyone can be strong minded. I dont think their is a solution youll always get greedy fat gits


taxpayers pay for what? or do you mean if they get ill and have to attend hospital? well i dont know the stats but all over weight people dont get ill. so if someone gets pissed out there skull and falls down the stairs and breaks there back they should be treated diffrently cause after all its there fault for being a piss head.


Most definately !..............Id give them 1 free go then thats it f**k up again for the same reason and you can treat yourself !...............The money that must get wasted needlessly within healthcare is staggering.

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dunno about fat folk,but i struggle to take you seriously lol one min your on your soap box about all the hating towards to muslims and then you come out with this.


Do people take him seriously then?.........I thought he just sat there all day dreaming up pish and people humored him :yes::D




Comments a bit strong some folk can be obese through no fault of their own


No one is obese through no fault of their own.


is that right ,.............so what about disease and treatment making people obese......and also other medical conditions , im not saying that is the cause of a lot but may explain a minority of obese people


that's the point i'm making... :thumbs:

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