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Guest thebigdog

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wtf is the difference between tinkers gypsies and romanies

Someone once told me that Romanies are descended from the Roma people, travellers are of Irish descent,gypsy is a general term for 'non-settled' ,and don't call any of them a p***y, if you want to live to see tomorrow! :thumbs:

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Rubbish,, utter pish in fact. Gypsys and thieving go hand in hand FACT. Every last man jack of em would rob you in yer bed and then go round yer auld grannies and do exactley the same again.    

I know a good few travelling boys through the mutts and can't say I've met a bad 1 yet, I know there are some who would steal the sugar out your tea and come back for the milk but is that not the same

When he shot himself in the head

I haven't read much of this thread, but enough to gather the travellers have got a bit of slating by some? I can see why, but please understand what an ignorant point of view you who hold that view have. . I was brought up on the road, from nothing to 17 years of age, worked the fields and orchards with them, run dogs with them, fought some and befriended some. . I spent so much time with them I ended up marrying one!


Listen, the way our press and media works through it's propaganda, of course they're only going to show the rogues and trouble makers! Only the sheep of society are going to accept that image tagged to them. . Sure, no one would deny the traveling community has a good number rogues, just like any other community. . But to say 99% are no good? Based on what? The ones you've met, seen and heard about?? The good ones keep themselves to the themselves and unfortunately many will not get or make the opportunity to ever meet one, some are of the most honourable and principled people on the face of earth. .

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I haven't read much of this thread, but enough to gather the travellers have got a bit of slating by some? I can see why, but please understand what an ignorant point of view you who hold that view have. . I was brought up on the road, from nothing to 17 years of age, worked the fields and orchards with them, run dogs with them, fought some and befriended some. . I spent so much time with them I ended up marrying one!


Listen, the way our press and media works through it's propaganda, of course they're only going to show the rogues and trouble makers! Only the sheep of society are going to accept that image tagged to them. . Sure, no one would deny the traveling community has a good number rogues, just like any other community. . But to say 99% are no good? Based on what? The ones you've met, seen and heard about?? The good ones keep themselves to the themselves and unfortunately many will not get or make the opportunity to ever meet one, some are of the most honourable and principled people on the face of earth. .

well said....... :thumbs: some of the most sound ive met and would stand by you 110%.......and welcome you any time of the night........ :thumbs:

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like all cultures, you have your good and bad. travellers have scumbags thives and feuds. the settle people have scumbag thives and feuds. i used ta drink wit a few travellers befour when i was living in town. they were sound lads and well able ta carry there drink. good craic they were. got ta know another lad throught hunting. he was the soundest fella you could ever meet. not long back a few travellers were parked up the boreen. the locals wouldnt walk up the boreen because a the travellers. i passed them and they were two lads sitting out in the sun. they were sound lads, talking away ta me as if they knew me with years. iv had problems with travellers in the past, iv also had problem with settled lads in the past. lots a people judge travelers from watching documentarys. theres big money in television, all they want is there viewers so they show the worst in travellers. they wouldnt get thousands of viewers if they were showing documentarys. about peacefull travellers.

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Were they selling any generators :whistling:

jet washers is the latest ------------knocked on my door Monday do you want your drive jet washing-- nope. you want to buy a jet washer so you can do it yourself -------------nope . do you know anyone wants to buy a jet washer ---nope . ========== any scrap metal :D

had them here last week, trying to sell memory foam pillows. never asked me twice tho :laugh:

we had em at ours trying to sell chainsaws, no returns accepted. Haha, 'well tanks for ur time sir'. Fu ck off
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I haven't read much of this thread, but enough to gather the travellers have got a bit of slating by some? I can see why, but please understand what an ignorant point of view you who hold that view have. . I was brought up on the road, from nothing to 17 years of age, worked the fields and orchards with them, run dogs with them, fought some and befriended some. . I spent so much time with them I ended up marrying one!


Listen, the way our press and media works through it's propaganda, of course they're only going to show the rogues and trouble makers! Only the sheep of society are going to accept that image tagged to them. . Sure, no one would deny the traveling community has a good number rogues, just like any other community. . But to say 99% are no good? Based on what? The ones you've met, seen and heard about?? The good ones keep themselves to the themselves and unfortunately many will not get or make the opportunity to ever meet one, some are of the most honourable and principled people on the face of earth. .

the few I`ve had any real dealings with have been sound - when I used to stand the antique market one lady used to buy crown derby china from me ---in the end I used to ring her when I had it and put it to one side,and she used to come down the market to collect it one Friday she said she was sending her 2 boys to collect it.. the lads around 11 and 13 turned up clean smart tidy polite lads I sent them away with the crown derby and I gave them a couple of free play station games for there trouble --- an hour later there mum rings me for back up to there story that I`d given them the games --she`d sent them out with the right money --had a few dealings with her family over the years nice people to deal with ...

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Years ago I was in a house that an Irish Traveller lived with her children after she left her site because her fella beat her. I was doing flooring with my cousin. She made a crackin cup of tea and her hospitality was real Irish hospitality. And the place was cleaner than a surgical ward.

Her kids were great and friendly.

A few days later we were in a well off settled persons house doing a job, ignorant as fcuk and I wouldn't have drank out of their cups cause the house didn't look like it was cleaned very often.


As said in previous posts you'll have good and bad in all walks of life I just take people as they come.

Sometimes I'll reserve judgement but I'll not judge a person on what the media says about their culture #




# fanatical muslims being the exception.

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The world changed to fast for the romanies from seasonal work traveling from farm to farm to pick fruit etc etc sharpining knive up intill ww1 then came the years in beetween were mechanisation started to slowly take over after ww2 they were allmost redundant to farm labour a few held on with horses but many changed there way of life , they cling on a lot have bought land and have gone to brick or big. Vans that are mobile but you would not want to drag the round the country , roma, hobbies and the old carlights , special orders mostly dry vans , Talking about showmen the old vardos they had were some pice of kit travling round the sesonal show grounds and fairs year after year parking up for a winter season in blackpool etc a way of life thats nealy all but gone You would be supprised who on the showmans guild register some wealthy men all ways like the bling the showmen used to be horse brass now its pickups Good collection of photos at liverpool universty. Scot mc fee google it

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Funny that I came in and this thread was up again, was just on a permanent site ( private) 20 minutes ago.....one was talking sense and wanted to do business and one bloke was pissed and wanted to fight.


I asked the guvnor " are you going to back him up so we can talk sense or do we have to have a streightner first?" ......they told him to f**k off ! Lol lol

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