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My Friends First Kill

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Took my friend out for a wander on one of my permissions last night as we've not been out for a while and he's only been plinking targets before.


Got out to the paddocks and set up my S200 and gave him my old refurbed BSA supersport to have a go with till the light dropped. After an hour or so of waiting i managed to stalk him up to a 25 yarder, got him laid down with my setup and the bipod out and started to focus in.


The rabbit was sitting nicely so after a quick "aim here" and why, i handed over to him. First few pulls on the trigger and i realised i'd not loaded it for him :blink: so a bit of off-handed fumbling for the bolt and he was ready to go. Perfect shot placement and the bunny went down like a sack of spuds :D


Next thing he's up on his feet scanning the rest of the field looking for the next target, think he's hooked :gunsmilie:


The video quality is a bit crap as it's a recording on my iphone off the pc monitor.


Edited by Stormspiel
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He's already after one but hasn't got the money spare to go the whole hog and get a nitesite (even DIY) and pay for a decent PCP. Told him I'm quite happy to let him have a go with mine till he's saved up for his own gear.

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When he gets his own rifle and then gets his first kill you will have to blood him an old tradition that is not carred out eny more and will be some thing that he will never for get i did it to my grandson when he got his first kill with his ultra atvbmac

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