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Peddler Users,taking The Piss Out Of This Site

Do you thin we should have a min numbe of posts   

107 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think we should have a min numbe of posts before people should beable to sell items on this site... IE live stock

    • yes
    • no
    • yes with a min off 50 posts plus a fee of £10
    • yes 100 posts, plus a £5 fee
    • 25 posts with a £25 fee
    • Have it so only long staning members can sell live stock, with a fee of £5

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  On 02/07/2013 at 19:01, Sjt657 said:

I think there should be no fee just a donater .. Minimum 1000 posts by that stage people know who you are ...

ive been on here since 2009 and still not got 1000 posts but i spend more time outside hunting than sat at the computer, then again ive never sold a dog in my life so not much of a problem to me but i have bought and sold a few guns on here.

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I would rather see the for sale section gone tbh, for every genuine sale I bet theres 10 by wrong uns, pedlars etc.

I don't see the problem to be honest. This is a hunting WEBSITE with a forum attached, not the other way round. Part of that forum there is a for sale section. So what if someone has pups to sell but

Of maybe we could have it for long standing members

  On 03/07/2013 at 08:18, IanB said:

This subject has been touched a lot of times.


The post you reference to, that person has obviously joined and paid a fee to advertise in there, knowing that he couldn't advertise anywhere without doing this.


Now my take on it. If I breed a dog and want to sell it, who is to tell me I can or can't.?


I read some of the posts on here and laugh. I've had discussions with people and thought how biased??


At some point you will get people saying they give there dogs away never sell them. Anyone selling dogs is a peddler...blah blah..


BUT at some point they will have bought a dog, no doubt about it, not everyone into hunting, knows someone they can get a free dog from, when starting out or years down the line, people get tunnel vision after a few year of having world beaters and giving them away !!


I think the main points of concern are, is the person a constant puppy peddlar and are the animals cared for...I personally dont care if there going to be the elite of running dogs or hardest of terriers, because I've came across some of the most vile b*****ds you will come across with the biggest and hardest, I would rather get a dog shot or give someone a £££ so they didn't fall into the hands of these pricks..


Back to this obsession with the problem of people selling a dog, parrot, budgie, hamster, chimpanzee, whatever if there well looked after from young and someone wants to sell an animal or pup, why not... I don't agree with people selling purely for money myself., but what is the actual real problem..


To be honest in my life, I have a LOT more to worry about than if someones selling a litter of pups in a paper, magazine or website..


Couldnt agree anymore with that :victory:


Lurcher1 i cant stop laughing at that J Clarkson picture,brilliant :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Well it's fine that some have had successful dogs bought off the site but what about all the surplus??? just my opinion that there are far too many litters born to dogs that are hardly out of their first year or bred by inexperienced owners and pups advertised, i do think there should be some ruling on the working dog and livestock for sale section, the place is full of people mating their dogs with no thought or consideration into how many puppies they may be left with to rehome, and websites make it so easy for these people to pass pups on to just anyone, and in the lurcher world (which seem to be the most advertised on here) there is a very high rate as you all know of pups/adult dogs being passed around or abandoned and abused, i personally dont agree with advertising at all, if you cant guarantee excellent homes for at least 10 pups when breeding then dont breed, then websites wouldn't be making money off the backs of these poor pups passed around or bitches overbred from.

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  On 02/07/2013 at 22:29, P5HEN said:

Graham your a peddlar haha peddlin them lure machine's

Year mate i only come on here to peddle my machines, to the beggars/messers on here,and i don't use the forum for no other reason!

PS I make far more sales on my website and FB page

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Its the same anywhere..


I do not agree with people breeding purely to make profit.


BUT if people breed litters of dogs for there own reasons, and they have surplus dogs... who am I or anyone else to say they cannot sell them.


People sell hawks, ferrets, horses, birds, finches what ever you get the drift... but someone advertises pups and there peddlars...fair enough if its all the time, I'd be very wary... Everyone should have some common sense to notice a blatant con or fool..


As I say, I'll ask anyone..............have you ever bought a dog??? the answer 9/10 will be yes, which undoubtedly it will be, unless your one of these people who get world beaters totally free since you stepped foot on the planet... then as said earlier theres a little bit of hypocrisy in the air..

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Problem is some people don't hunt or shoot with many people and have a small group of mates they hunt with, like me and we all keep different types so does that mean we've never to breed our dogs? The world can't go round like that the breeder of the pups can try their best to make sure the pups go to a good home. There's a difference when breeding for profit or to gain a good dog. I am 100% against anyone breeding for profit or for the wrong reasons and its for this reason iv refused a lot of people a lining from one of my dogs, but for someone breeding for the right reasons a pup for theirself and if any spare a good price to a good home I don't see any problem as long as they are willing to put the effort in to making sure they pups go to good homes, the forums an easy place for these people to breed and get rid of pups quick to anyone, but it could also be a good place if anyones bred a litter and sold it to last that come on a bit as they'll be able to see how the dogs progress and hear how they are

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Its not about people selling a litter, who have 50 posts, what i'm getting at is people only using this forum to sell, mainly live stock yes, and they are adding nothing to this site bar things for sale... no posts nothing,soon as the litter is sold you never see them again,

Its like that mate we've all had who lends, lends, lends, but offers nothing back in return!

yeah if i'm looking for a pup i'd have a look on here more so than preloved, and i have sold a few things on here before and had a good few deals, but i like to think i've added to this site,

well thats why i joined up, and selling something was the last thing on my mind :thumbs:

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  On 03/07/2013 at 09:59, vixen said:

Well it's fine that some have had successful dogs bought off the site but what about all the surplus??? just my opinion that there are far too many litters born to dogs that are hardly out of their first year or bred by inexperienced owners and pups advertised, i do think there should be some ruling on the working dog and livestock for sale section, the place is full of people mating their dogs with no thought or consideration into how many puppies they may be left with to rehome, and websites make it so easy for these people to pass pups on to just anyone, and in the lurcher world (which seem to be the most advertised on here) there is a very high rate as you all know of pups/adult dogs being passed around or abandoned and abused, i personally dont agree with advertising at all, if you cant guarantee excellent homes for at least 10 pups when breeding then dont breed, then websites wouldn't be making money off the backs of these poor pups passed around or bitches overbred from.

peoples circumstances chance and can not keep a pup no longer not everyones a peddler

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  On 03/07/2013 at 13:29, nothernlite said:

Why does it bother you so much Graham ?

I could lie.... but i'm getting a grumpy old c**t and i just hate people who are out for their own gain/greed.who take take take.. that is the truth.. :thumbs:

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If the site ended the selling of livestock it would not stop a single peddler! There are a dozen other sites and papers for selling working stock, ending this one wouldn't change a damned thing. The only difference is, on here you can do a bit of background on a seller and get a 'feel' for what they have to offer. Not to mention the thousands of other members passing their eye and judgement over any add. Imo far better to have classifieds on this forum than in anywhere else. People get so hung up with bad news they completely ignore the good news............. but that's humans and news for ya.


As for needing a million 200% interested homes for pups before even dreaming of breeding, f**k me, I would struggle to think of a dozen commited and serious working dog people I know, never mind all working the same type or wanting a pup when I do. If I had a bitch that was a real star, the sort it would be a crime not to take a breeding from, then I'd be having pups from her by fair means or foul. But then I imagine I may breed at most a couple of litters in my life time, unless I had a real super star I just could not be doing with the bother.

Edited by Born Hunter
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I never buy/sell on forums but don't see a problem with it. Thing is though, the post count and how long you've been a member for still isn't 100% 'safe'. We had a guy on a gaming forum once, long time member, over 20,000 posts, everyone thought he was a great lad until one day he ripped a lot of other members off. It might be rare but some messers are very patient.

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A wanted page would be good but people can already put up a wanted ad, thought they can look through for sale ads maybe that's why it ain't used a lot, means you could look into the things someone's wrote before telling them you've got pups.

Edited by grant_c
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