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Guard Dogs!

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Just wanting a bit of info regarding "Guard Dogs"....What is the best type of dog to be used as a gaurd dog?.....It will be kept outside at home and its sole purpose will be to gaurd my kennels ect....The thing is i dont want to buy a pup and it turns out to be a right soft twat.....Iv heard "Rottwilers" once a sleep go into a very deep sleep and take some waking up?...They was my preffered choice but im not so sure now :hmm: ....Any Info would be great as iv never kept any other dogs other than the running type!




Edited to add.....Iv had pointers too :doh:

Edited by Blaze
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Guest oldskool

bbb has a good point... any big dog that will throw a bark should do the trick...


hair standin on the neck seems to get mistaken for a cross dog when in actual fact its more scared of you than you are of it.... the big amstaff i had would have patrolled the yard with hair standin and frothan at the mouth.. he done the trick for years and never bit anybody.. although if someone tried to call his bluff and walked him into a corner then watch out!!! i found that out when i tested him with my mates motorbike helmet and his padded jacket he probably thought i was darth vader lol... IMO if you want the real deal get in touch with folk that specialise in guard work... at least the dog you will end up with wont bite people it shouldnt... even better is that if it puts up a good enough show it might not have to bite at all... the way things are in this country and with laws regarding tresspassing you dont want some thief hitting you for compensation because of stitches in his arm

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Best make yeself aware of the laws regarding such matters, mate. Before ye lose ye Dogs, home and future earnings to some junkie with a half decent solicitor behind him.

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Thanks for the advice so far!


Thats why i have asked for advice as im not really sure what i need?....all i know is i will be soon living on my tod in a new house and most of the week during the night i will be out working.....so need something to look after my dogs and keep the scum out!

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Jesus Christ Jacob :icon_eek:


Speed lamper....Im still in the market for a house so not really sure what the kennels will be like...hoping to get some galvie kennels but it depends on funds at the time!......The plan in my head is to have the Gaurd dog on a chain infront of the kennels?

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