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Rspca Article

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They have NO legal rights at all. If you don't want them on your property you are entitled to use (un)reasonable force to eject them.

Exactly, sadly the average joe on the street don't realise this. Hopefully articles like this might wake them up a bit.

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They have NO legal rights at all. If you don't want them on your property you are entitled to use (un)reasonable force to eject them.

that's the bit that I don't get....why aren't they subject to trespassing and breaking and entering laws??? they go onto a person land without permission, break into a shed and take someone elses property (i.e. a dog).....and then sell the dog? so the person who bought it is handling stolen goods???? so surely just because they've sold a dog that they've taken off you, it shouldn't mean you've lost that dog, whoever bought it has to hand it back. In the same way that if you bought a stolen car, it's tough shit, you've lost your money and the car, why isn't it the same with a dog??

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They have NO legal rights at all. If you don't want them on your property you are entitled to use (un)reasonable force to eject them.

that's the bit that I don't get....why aren't they subject to trespassing and breaking and entering laws??? they go onto a person land without permission, break into a shed and take someone elses property (i.e. a dog).....and then sell the dog? so the person who bought it is handling stolen goods???? so surely just because they've sold a dog that they've taken off you, it shouldn't mean you've lost that dog, whoever bought it has to hand it back. In the same way that if you bought a stolen car, it's tough shit, you've lost your money and the car, why isn't it the same with a dog??



They ARE subject to those laws. Just because they give themselves a uniform and a rank, they have no more rights to be on your land than anyone else. I'd love to see someone with money prosecute them for b&e and trespassing.

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Not sure if anyone has seen this yet but http://www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/pets/10149908/The-RSPCA-made-US-feel-like-criminals.html


Few little stories in there where they've taken people to court for basically nowt....b*****ds aren't they?


I know a few people on here have had dealings with them but what legal rights do they actually have? Like taking that poor woman's German Shepherd off her and she hasn't seen it since....i probably won't ever have dealings with them but if i did could i just tell them to get to f**k?


And if they did manage to take the dogs would it not just be a case of following the van to the kennels then busting the dogs out over night?


b*****ds. rspca they are scum

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They have NO legal rights at all. If you don't want them on your property you are entitled to use (un)reasonable force to eject them.

that's the bit that I don't get....why aren't they subject to trespassing and breaking and entering laws??? they go onto a person land without permission, break into a shed and take someone elses property (i.e. a dog).....and then sell the dog? so the person who bought it is handling stolen goods???? so surely just because they've sold a dog that they've taken off you, it shouldn't mean you've lost that dog, whoever bought it has to hand it back. In the same way that if you bought a stolen car, it's tough shit, you've lost your money and the car, why isn't it the same with a dog??



They ARE subject to those laws. Just because they give themselves a uniform and a rank, they have no more rights to be on your land than anyone else. I'd love to see someone with money prosecute them for b&e and trespassing.


a burgular would get prosecuted regardless of how much money you have though.

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They have NO legal rights at all. If you don't want them on your property you are entitled to use (un)reasonable force to eject them.

that's the bit that I don't get....why aren't they subject to trespassing and breaking and entering laws??? they go onto a person land without permission, break into a shed and take someone elses property (i.e. a dog).....and then sell the dog? so the person who bought it is handling stolen goods???? so surely just because they've sold a dog that they've taken off you, it shouldn't mean you've lost that dog, whoever bought it has to hand it back. In the same way that if you bought a stolen car, it's tough shit, you've lost your money and the car, why isn't it the same with a dog??



They ARE subject to those laws. Just because they give themselves a uniform and a rank, they have no more rights to be on your land than anyone else. I'd love to see someone with money prosecute them for b&e and trespassing.


a burgular would get prosecuted regardless of how much money you have though.



Burglars don't have the royal warrant to hide behind. And everyone knows the law regarding burglars, less know it regarding the rspca.

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